99 Spirits: Weeping Demon’s Bell (2015)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


99 Spirits: Weeping Demon’s Bell: A Haunting and Enchanting DLC Side Story

Released in 2015, “99 Spirits: Weeping Demon’s Bell” is the second DLC side story for the critically acclaimed game “99 Spirits.” It delves into the captivating backstory of two beloved characters, Kotetsu and Waka, offering a poignant and unforgettable experience for fans of the series.

A Journey into the Past: Kotetsu and Waka’s Untold Story

“Weeping Demon’s Bell” transports players back in time to explore the origins of Kotetsu and Waka’s profound bond. Through a series of flashbacks, we witness their fateful encounter as children, the challenges they faced, and the unbreakable connection that formed between them.

As the story unfolds, we learn about Kotetsu’s troubled past and his struggle to find his place in the world. Haunted by the loss of his family, he finds solace in Waka’s unwavering friendship and support. Together, they navigate the complexities of adolescence, facing bullies, exploring their dreams, and forging an unyielding bond that will shape their destinies.

The Power of the Bell: A Symbol of Hope and Redemption

Central to the story is the titular “Weeping Demon’s Bell,” a mystical artifact that possesses the power to exorcise evil spirits. As Kotetsu and Waka delve deeper into their investigation of a series of strange occurrences, they discover the bell’s true nature and its significance to their own lives.

Through a series of trials and tribulations, Kotetsu and Waka learn to harness the power of the bell, using it to fight against darkness and protect those they love. The bell becomes a symbol of their resilience, their unwavering friendship, and their ability to overcome adversity.

The Drama Theater: Bonus Stories for Added Depth

In addition to the main story, “Weeping Demon’s Bell” also includes three bonus stories in the “Drama Theater” section. These stories offer additional insights into the lives of other characters in the 99 Spirits universe, further enriching the game’s narrative tapestry.

“Little Hanabusa” follows the adventures of a young Hanabusa as he investigates a mysterious disappearance. “Saki’s Present” explores the heartwarming bond between Saki and her grandmother, while “Komiya’s Medicine Hunt” provides a humorous look at Komiya’s quest for a rare medicinal herb.

Haunting Visuals and Enchanting Music

As with the main game, “Weeping Demon’s Bell” boasts stunning visuals that bring the characters and environments to life. The game’s art style is a unique blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern anime influences, creating a visually captivating experience.

The soundtrack is equally impressive, featuring a haunting and atmospheric score that perfectly complements the game’s somber and emotional tone. The music swells during key moments, enhancing the impact of the story and immersing players in the characters’ journey.

A Must-Play for Fans of 99 Spirits

“99 Spirits: Weeping Demon’s Bell” is an essential addition to the 99 Spirits series, offering a deeply moving and enriching side story that expands upon the lore and characters of the main game. With its haunting visuals, enchanting music, and compelling narrative, “Weeping Demon’s Bell” is a must-play for fans of the series and anyone who enjoys a captivating and emotionally resonant gaming experience.

Key Features:

  • Explore the backstory of Kotetsu and Waka, two beloved characters from the main game
  • Uncover the secrets of the “Weeping Demon’s Bell” and its significance to Kotetsu and Waka’s lives
  • Experience three bonus stories in the “Drama Theater” section, offering additional insights into other characters
  • Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and an enchanting soundtrack that enhance the game’s emotional impact
  • Engage in a deeply moving and unforgettable side story that expands upon the lore of the 99 Spirits universe

Review Score



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