After Burner (1987)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


After Burner (1987): A Detailed Retrospective

After Burner is a classic arcade flight simulator game developed by Sega and released in 1987. The game puts players in the cockpit of an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet and tasks them with destroying enemy aircraft and ground targets. After Burner was a critical and commercial success, and it is still considered one of the best arcade games of all time.


After Burner is a fast-paced, action-packed flight simulator. Players control an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet and must use their skills and reflexes to destroy enemy aircraft and ground targets. The game features a variety of different missions, each with its own unique objectives.

One of the most challenging aspects of After Burner is its difficulty. The game is unforgiving, and even the smallest mistake can lead to death. Players must be constantly aware of their surroundings and must be able to react quickly to enemy attacks.

Despite its difficulty, After Burner is also a very rewarding game. The sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a difficult mission is immense. And the game’s fast-paced, action-packed gameplay is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats.

Graphics and Sound

After Burner’s graphics were some of the best available in arcades at the time of its release. The game’s use of 3D polygons created a sense of realism that was unmatched by other arcade games. The game’s sound effects and music are also top-notch, and they help to create an immersive and exciting experience.


After Burner’s arcade cabinet was one of the most impressive of its time. The cabinet featured a large, 29-inch CRT monitor and a force feedback control yoke. The force feedback control yoke allowed players to feel the weight and resistance of the F-14’s controls, which added to the game’s realism.


After Burner has been ported to a variety of home platforms, including the Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, and PlayStation 2. However, none of the ports have been able to fully capture the experience of the original arcade game.


After Burner is one of the most influential arcade games of all time. The game’s fast-paced, action-packed gameplay and impressive graphics helped to set a new standard for arcade games. After Burner has been cloned and imitated countless times, but none of the clones have been able to match the original’s quality.

After Burner is a classic arcade game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s challenging gameplay, impressive graphics, and immersive sound effects make it a must-play for any fan of arcade games.

Tips for Playing After Burner

Here are a few tips for playing After Burner:

  • Use the force feedback control yoke to your advantage. The force feedback will help you to feel the weight and resistance of the F-14’s controls, which will make you a more effective pilot.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye on the radar and be prepared to react to enemy attacks from any direction.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your afterburners. The afterburners will give you a temporary boost of speed, which can be helpful for dodging enemy fire or catching up to an enemy aircraft.
  • Practice makes perfect. The best way to get good at After Burner is to practice. The more you play, the better you will become at controlling the F-14 and completing the missions.


After Burner is a classic arcade game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s challenging gameplay, impressive graphics, and immersive sound effects make it a must-play for any fan of arcade games. If you’ve never played After Burner, I highly recommend checking it out. You won’t be disappointed.

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