Age of Sail II (2001)

by Nish
4 minutes read


Age of Sail II: The Ultimate Naval Warfare Simulation

Released in 2001, Age of Sail II is the gold standard for naval warfare simulations. It offers an immersive and realistic experience that puts you in command of historical ships and battles from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.


  • Real-time 3D sailing and combat model
  • Over 1,200 historical ships
  • 100 historical American and British scenarios
  • Full, floating 3D camera
  • 3D accelerated graphics


Age of Sail II simulates naval warfare from 1775 to 1820. You can take command of a variety of historical ships, including frigates, ships of the line, and even massive first-rates. Each ship has its own unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

The game features a real-time 3D sailing and combat model. This means that you have complete control over your ships, and you can maneuver them in real time to avoid enemy fire and position yourself for broadsides. The combat model is also very realistic, and it takes into account factors such as wind speed and direction, ship speed, and crew morale.

Age of Sail II comes with over 100 historical scenarios, including some of the most famous naval battles in history, such as Copenhagen, the Battle of the Nile, Trafalgar, Cape St. Vincent, and Camperdown. You can also create your own custom scenarios.

Graphics and Sound

Age of Sail II features beautiful 3D graphics that accurately render ships and landscapes. The game also has a great soundtrack that helps to create an immersive and atmospheric experience.


Age of Sail II was met with critical acclaim upon its release. It was praised for its realistic gameplay, beautiful graphics, and immersive sound design. The game has also been a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.


Age of Sail II is considered to be one of the best naval warfare simulations ever made. It has set the standard for subsequent naval warfare games, and it continues to be enjoyed by gamers today.

Tips for Playing

  • Use the wind to your advantage. Sailing into the wind will slow you down, while sailing with the wind will speed you up.
  • Maneuver your ships to avoid enemy fire. Use the 3D camera to get a better view of the battlefield and to identify potential threats.
  • Position your ships for broadsides. Broadsides are the most powerful type of attack in Age of Sail II, so it is important to position your ships so that they can fire their broadsides at the enemy.
  • Use your crew wisely. Crew morale is an important factor in Age of Sail II. If your crew morale is low, your ships will be less effective in combat.


Age of Sail II is the ultimate naval warfare simulation. It offers an immersive and realistic experience that puts you in command of historical ships and battles. If you are a fan of naval warfare games, then Age of Sail II is a must-play.

Review Score


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