AI War: Fleet Command (2009)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


AI War: Fleet Command: A Deep Dive into the Ultimate RTS Challenge


AI War: Fleet Command is a real-time strategy (RTS) game released in 2009 that quickly gained a cult following among strategy enthusiasts. Developed by Arcen Games, AI War is known for its massive scale, deep gameplay, and challenging AI opponents.

The Setting

The game is set in a distant future where humanity has lost a devastating war against machines. AI death squads patrol the galaxy, keeping the remnants of humanity captive in orbiting bubbles. The AIs have turned their attention outward, leaving the surviving humans with a glimmer of hope.


The player takes control of a small resistance force and must use stealth and strategy to defeat the AI overlords. The game features a vast galaxy with over 100 star systems to explore and conquer. The player must carefully manage their resources, research new technologies, and build a fleet of ships to take on the AI.

One of the unique features of AI War is its emphasis on automation. Players can create AI routines to automate tasks such as defending planets, mining resources, and building ships. This allows the player to focus on the big picture and make strategic decisions, rather than getting bogged down in micromanagement.

The AI

The AI in AI War is notoriously difficult, even on the lower difficulty settings. The AI is constantly adapting and learning, and it will exploit any weakness in the player’s strategy. The player must be constantly on their toes and adjust their tactics to stay ahead of the AI.

The Challenge

AI War is a challenging game, even for experienced RTS players. The player is constantly outnumbered and outgunned, and they must use stealth and strategy to overcome the odds. The game requires patience, planning, and a deep understanding of the game mechanics.

The Rewards

Despite the challenge, AI War is also a very rewarding game. The feeling of accomplishment when the player finally defeats the AI is immense. The game also offers a high level of replayability, with multiple difficulty levels, game modes, and factions to choose from.

The Community

AI War has a dedicated and passionate community of players. There are numerous online forums and communities where players can share strategies, tips, and mods. The developers are also very active in the community, and they frequently release updates and patches to improve the game.


AI War: Fleet Command is a masterpiece of the RTS genre. It offers a vast and challenging sandbox for players to explore, with deep gameplay, a relentless AI, and a rewarding experience. Whether you are a seasoned RTS veteran or a newcomer to the genre, AI War is a game that will test your limits and provide countless hours of enjoyment.

Tips for Playing AI War

  • Start small. Don’t try to take on too much too soon. Focus on building a strong economy and researching key technologies before expanding your empire.
  • Automate everything. Use AI routines to automate as many tasks as possible. This will free up your time to focus on the big picture.
  • Be patient. AI War is a slow-paced game. Don’t expect to win overnight. Take your time, build up your strength, and wear down the AI over time.
  • Adapt your strategy. The AI is constantly learning and adapting. You need to be prepared to change your tactics to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Join the community. There are many online resources available to help you learn the game and improve your skills. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or share your own strategies.

Additional Information

  • Developer: Arcen Games
  • Release date: 2009
  • Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux
  • Genre: Real-time strategy (RTS)
  • Metacritic score: 85/100

Review Score



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