Alcantor (1991)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Alcantor: The Kingdom of Elements (1991) – A Retro CRPG Gem


Released in 1991 for DOS, Alcantor: The Kingdom of Elements is a classic computer role-playing game (CRPG) that has captivated gamers for decades with its rich fantasy world, engaging story, and challenging gameplay. Developed by the now-defunct studio Psygnosis, Alcantor is a testament to the golden age of CRPGs and continues to be enjoyed by retro gaming enthusiasts today.

Story and Setting

Alcantor is set in the eponymous kingdom, a realm of high fantasy filled with knights, castles, dragons, and powerful magic. The player takes on the role of a young hero who must embark on a quest to save the kingdom from the evil sorcerer Maldred. Along the way, the hero will encounter a cast of memorable characters, explore dangerous dungeons, and unravel the secrets of the Kingdom of Elements.


Alcantor is a turn-based CRPG, featuring a party-based system where the player controls a group of up to six characters. Each character has their own unique abilities and skills, and the player must carefully manage their party’s composition and tactics to succeed in combat.

The game world is vast and non-linear, allowing players to explore at their own pace and discover hidden secrets. Alcantor features a wide variety of quests and challenges, from dungeon crawling and monster slaying to puzzle solving and diplomatic missions.

Character Development

One of the strengths of Alcantor is its deep character development system. Each character has their own unique backstory, motivations, and goals. As the player progresses through the game, they can level up their characters and improve their abilities. Additionally, characters can learn new skills and spells, allowing for a high degree of customization.


Combat in Alcantor is turn-based and tactical. Players must carefully position their characters and choose their actions to maximize their effectiveness. The game features a wide variety of enemies, each with their own unique abilities and weaknesses. Players must adapt their tactics to each encounter in order to succeed.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, Alcantor featured impressive graphics and sound. The game’s world is rendered in vibrant 2D graphics, with detailed character sprites and lush environments. The soundtrack is also excellent, featuring a mix of medieval-inspired melodies and atmospheric sound effects.

Legacy and Impact

Alcantor: The Kingdom of Elements was a critical and commercial success upon its release, and it has since become a cult classic among CRPG fans. The game is praised for its rich world, engaging story, and challenging gameplay. Alcantor has also been cited as an influence on later CRPGs, such as the Baldur’s Gate series and Pillars of Eternity.


Alcantor: The Kingdom of Elements is a timeless classic that stands as one of the best CRPGs of all time. With its rich fantasy world, engaging story, and challenging gameplay, Alcantor is a must-play for any fan of the genre. Whether you’re a retro gaming enthusiast or a newcomer to CRPGs, Alcantor is sure to provide hours of enjoyment and challenge.

Review Score


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