Apophis Rising (2014)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Apophis Rising: A Retro-Inspired Space Shooter That Will Blast You Back to the 80s

Apophis Rising is a vertical scrolling space shooter game developed by indie studio 3D Realms and released in 2014. The game is heavily inspired by classic arcade shooters like Galaga and Xevious, and it features beautiful pixel art, challenging gameplay, and a thumping soundtrack.


Apophis Rising is a vertical scrolling space shooter in which the player controls a lone spaceship that must battle its way through waves of enemy ships and asteroids. The player’s ship can fire in eight directions, and it can also use a variety of power-ups to increase its firepower and speed.

The game features a variety of different enemy ships, each with its own unique attack patterns. The player must also contend with asteroids, which can damage the player’s ship if they are hit.

Apophis Rising is a challenging game, but it is also very fair. The player’s ship is relatively fragile, but it is also very maneuverable. The player must use all of their skills to survive the game’s increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

Graphics and Sound

Apophis Rising features beautiful pixel art that is reminiscent of the classic arcade games of the 1980s. The game’s backgrounds are detailed and colorful, and the enemy ships are all unique and well-animated.

The game’s soundtrack is also excellent. The music is fast-paced and energetic, and it perfectly complements the game’s frantic gameplay.


Apophis Rising does not have a traditional story, but it does have a simple premise. The player is tasked with defending Earth from an alien invasion. The aliens are led by the evil Apophis, who is determined to destroy our planet.

The player must battle their way through the alien hordes and defeat Apophis in order to save Earth.


Apophis Rising was released to critical acclaim. The game was praised for its beautiful pixel art, challenging gameplay, and thumping soundtrack. Many reviewers compared the game to classic arcade shooters like Galaga and Xevious, and they said that Apophis Rising was a worthy successor to those games.

Apophis Rising was also a commercial success. The game sold over 100,000 copies on PC, and it was also ported to consoles.


Apophis Rising is a modern classic that has helped to revive the vertical scrolling space shooter genre. The game is a testament to the skill and passion of its developers, and it is sure to be enjoyed by fans of retro gaming for years to come.

Tips for Playing Apophis Rising

Here are a few tips for playing Apophis Rising:

  • Use your power-ups wisely. Power-ups can give you a significant advantage in battle, so make sure to use them when you need them most.
  • Be careful of asteroids. Asteroids can damage your ship if you hit them, so be sure to avoid them whenever possible.
  • Don’t be afraid to die. You will die a lot in Apophis Rising, but that’s okay. The game is designed to be challenging, so don’t get discouraged if you die a few times. Just keep trying and you will eventually beat the game.


Apophis Rising is a fantastic vertical scrolling space shooter that is sure to please fans of retro gaming. The game features beautiful pixel art, challenging gameplay, and a thumping soundtrack. If you are looking for a game that will blast you back to the 1980s, then Apophis Rising is the game for you.

Review Score


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