Astérix (1993)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Astérix (1993): A Nostalgic Gem for European Gamers

Released exclusively in PAL regions in 1993, Astérix is a side-scrolling beat-em-up game based on the popular French comic book series of the same name. Developed by Bit Managers and Infogrames, the game was a critical and commercial success in Europe, but never saw a release in North America.


Astérix is a classic side-scrolling beat-em-up in the vein of Double Dragon or Streets of Rage. Players control either Astérix or Obelix, two iconic characters from the comics, as they fight their way through hordes of Roman soldiers. The game features a variety of levels, each with its own unique enemies and challenges.

Astérix and Obelix have different strengths and abilities. Astérix is faster and more agile, while Obelix is stronger and can withstand more damage. Players can use a variety of punches, kicks, and special attacks to defeat their enemies.

One of the unique features of Astérix is the ability to collect power-ups that give the player special abilities, such as increased strength or speed. Players can also find hidden items that can be used to restore health or gain extra lives.

Graphics and Sound

For a game released in 1993, Astérix has impressive graphics. The characters and environments are well-drawn and detailed, and the game runs smoothly even on older hardware. The sound is also top-notch, with catchy music and sound effects that add to the game’s atmosphere.


The story of Astérix is simple but effective. Julius Caesar has captured Getafix, the village druid, and it’s up to Astérix and Obelix to rescue him. The game follows the duo as they travel through Gaul, fighting Roman soldiers and completing puzzles in order to reach Caesar’s camp and save their friend.


Astérix was a critical and commercial success in Europe. Critics praised the game’s graphics, sound, and gameplay, and it was a popular choice for gamers of all ages. However, the game was never released in North America, which is a shame considering its quality.


Astérix is still fondly remembered by European gamers today. It is considered to be one of the best beat-em-up games of its era, and it is still enjoyed by fans of the comics. The game has also been ported to a number of different platforms, including the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation 2.


Astérix (1993) is a classic beat-em-up game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. Its charming graphics, catchy music, and solid gameplay make it a must-play for fans of the genre. While it is unfortunate that the game was never released in North America, it is still possible to find and play it on a variety of platforms. If you are a fan of beat-em-up games or the Astérix comics, then I highly recommend checking out this hidden gem.

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