Avernum 2: Crystal Souls (2015)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Avernum 2: Crystal Souls: A Sprawling Epic in a Vast Underground World

Avernum 2: Crystal Souls is a massive indie role-playing game set in a sprawling, underground world. Developed by Spiderweb Software and released in 2015, Avernum 2 is a worthy successor to the original Avernum and offers a deep and engaging experience for fans of classic RPGs.

A Vast and Detailed World

The world of Avernum is a vast and detailed place, with over 100 towns and dungeons to explore. The game’s world map is massive, and players can spend hours simply exploring the different regions and discovering new locations. Each town and dungeon is unique, with its own distinct look and feel. The towns are populated with a variety of NPCs, each with their own stories and quests to offer.

The dungeons are challenging and require players to use their wits and strategy to overcome the various traps and puzzles. The game’s combat system is turn-based and offers a wide variety of spells and abilities to use. Players can choose to specialize in a particular type of combat, or they can develop a more well-rounded character.

An Epic Story

Avernum 2’s story is epic in scope and follows the player character as they attempt to complete one of three distinct game-winning quests. The player character can choose to side with one of three factions in the game, each with its own unique goals and motivations. The story is well-written and engaging, and players will find themselves invested in the fate of the world of Avernum.

Character Development

Players can create a custom character to play as in Avernum 2. There are a variety of races and classes to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and strengths. Players can also choose to develop their character in a variety of ways, depending on their play style. The game offers a deep and flexible character development system that allows players to create a character that is truly their own.


Avernum 2’s combat system is turn-based and offers a wide variety of spells and abilities to use. Players can choose to specialize in a particular type of combat, or they can develop a more well-rounded character. The combat is challenging and requires players to use their wits and strategy to overcome their opponents.


Avernum 2 is a game that rewards exploration. There are many hidden areas and secrets to discover, and players who take the time to explore will be rewarded with valuable items and experience points. The game’s world is vast and detailed, and players can spend hours simply exploring the different regions and discovering new locations.


Avernum 2: Crystal Souls is a massive and ambitious RPG that offers a deep and engaging experience for fans of the genre. The game’s world is vast and detailed, the story is epic in scope, and the combat is challenging and rewarding. Avernum 2 is a must-play for fans of classic RPGs and is sure to provide hours of enjoyment.

Additional Information

  • Release Date: 2015
  • Developer: Spiderweb Software
  • Publisher: Spiderweb Software
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Genre: Role-playing game
  • ESRB Rating: Teen

Review Score



Cover Art


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