Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 1 (2015)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 1: Test Your Skills as Gotham’s Greatest

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey with Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 1, an expansive DLC pack that will put your combat and stealth abilities to the ultimate test. Sharpen your skills as Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman in a series of six AR challenges designed to hone your reflexes and strategic thinking.

A Deeper Dive into the Crime Fighter Challenge Pack

This comprehensive challenge pack offers a unique opportunity to refine your combat techniques and stealth tactics in a controlled environment. Each challenge presents a different scenario, testing your mastery of Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator stealth incursion.

  • Freeflow Combat Challenges: Engage in intense melee combat against waves of enemies, showcasing your ability to chain together devastating combos, counterattacks, and environmental takedowns.
  • Invisible Predator Challenges: Infiltrate heavily guarded areas undetected, utilizing stealth takedowns, gadgets, and environmental cover to avoid detection.

Become a Master of Gotham’s Crime-Fighting Elite

As you progress through the challenges, you’ll embody each member of the Bat-Family, mastering their unique combat styles and abilities:

  • Batman: The Dark Knight himself, known for his unmatched combat prowess and strategic brilliance.
  • Nightwing: Batman’s acrobatic protégé, specializing in agile takedowns and aerial combat.
  • Robin: The Boy Wonder, adept at stealth and gadgetry, providing invaluable support in combat.
  • Catwoman: The enigmatic thief, utilizing stealth and agility to navigate treacherous environments.

Key Features of the Crime Fighter Challenge Pack

  • Six AR challenges designed to test your combat and stealth skills
  • Play as Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman, each with their own unique abilities
  • Hone your Freeflow Combat skills in intense melee encounters
  • Master Invisible Predator stealth tactics to infiltrate heavily guarded areas undetected
  • Earn experience points and unlock new abilities as you progress

Unleash Your Inner Vigilante

The Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 1 is the ultimate training ground for aspiring vigilantes. Whether you’re a seasoned Arkham veteran or a newcomer to the series, this DLC pack will provide hours of challenging and rewarding gameplay. Step into the shadows, become one with the night, and prove yourself as Gotham’s greatest crime-fighter.

Additional Tips for Mastering the Challenges

  • Study the environment and identify potential threats before engaging in combat.
  • Utilize gadgets and environmental elements to gain an advantage in stealth situations.
  • Experiment with different combat techniques to find what works best for each character.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes.
  • Practice makes perfect! The more you play, the better you’ll become.


Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 1 is an essential addition for any fan of the Arkham series. With its intense combat challenges, stealth infiltration missions, and the opportunity to play as four iconic characters, this DLC pack offers a deep and rewarding experience that will test your skills and push you to become a true master of Gotham’s underworld.

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