Beneath Apple Manor (1978)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Beneath Apple Manor: The Grandfather of Roguelikes

Beneath Apple Manor is a text-based dungeon crawling game released in 1978 for the TRS-80. It is considered to be the first roguelike, predating Rogue itself by two years. Despite the lack of a direct connection between the two games, Beneath Apple Manor established many of the core features that would come to define the genre.

The game is set in the titular Apple Manor, a vast and dangerous dungeon filled with monsters, traps, and treasure. The player controls a single character who must explore the dungeon, defeat the monsters, and find the treasure. The dungeon is procedurally generated, meaning that it is different every time the game is played. This ensures that the game is always fresh and challenging.

Beneath Apple Manor is a challenging game, but it is also a fair one. The player is given a variety of tools to help them survive, including weapons, armor, and potions. The player must also use their wits to solve puzzles and avoid traps.

The game was written by Don Worth and Ken Arnold, two students at the University of California, Berkeley. Worth was inspired to create the game after reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. He wanted to create a game that would capture the sense of adventure and danger that he felt while reading the book.

Beneath Apple Manor was a critical and commercial success. It was one of the most popular games on the TRS-80, and it was ported to several other platforms. The game has been praised for its innovative gameplay, its challenging difficulty, and its replayability.


Beneath Apple Manor is a turn-based game. The player moves their character through the dungeon one square at a time. The player can attack monsters, cast spells, or use items. The monsters can also attack the player, and they can be quite deadly.

The player must also be aware of the dungeon’s traps. Traps can damage the player, or they can even kill them. The player must use their wits to avoid traps, or they must find ways to disarm them.

The player’s goal is to reach the bottom of the dungeon and defeat the final boss. The final boss is a powerful monster, and it will take all of the player’s skill and resources to defeat it.


Beneath Apple Manor is a seminal game in the history of video games. It is the first known roguelike, and it established many of the core features that would come to define the genre. The game has been praised for its innovative gameplay, its challenging difficulty, and its replayability.

Beneath Apple Manor has inspired many other games, including Rogue, Moria, and Angband. These games have gone on to become some of the most popular and influential roguelikes in history.

Beneath Apple Manor is a classic game that is still enjoyed by many people today. It is a challenging and rewarding game that offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

Tips for Playing Beneath Apple Manor

  • Be careful. The monsters in Beneath Apple Manor can be deadly, so it is important to be careful when exploring the dungeon.
  • Use your resources wisely. The player is given a variety of tools to help them survive, so it is important to use them wisely.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. Beneath Apple Manor is a complex game with many different possibilities. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you.
  • Have fun! Beneath Apple Manor is a challenging game, but it is also a fun one. So relax, enjoy yourself, and see how far you can get.

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