Block Story (2015)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Block Story: An In-Depth Review

Block Story is a sandbox adventure game developed by Mindblocks and released in 2015. The game is set in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks, which players can mine, craft, and use to build structures and items. Players can also explore the world, fight enemies, and complete quests.

One of the most unique features of Block Story is its voxel-based world. Voxels are 3D pixels, and they allow for a much more detailed and interactive world than traditional 2D pixel-based games. Players can dig tunnels, build structures, and even create their own landscapes.

Another unique feature of Block Story is its crafting system. Players can collect resources from the world and use them to craft a variety of items, including weapons, armor, tools, and building materials. The crafting system is very deep, and players can experiment with different combinations of resources to create new and unique items.

Block Story also features a robust combat system. Players can fight enemies with a variety of weapons, including swords, axes, and bows. The combat is fast-paced and exciting, and players must use their skills and strategy to defeat their opponents.

In addition to its single-player campaign, Block Story also features a multiplayer mode. In multiplayer, players can team up with friends to explore the world, build structures, and fight enemies. Multiplayer is a great way to experience Block Story with friends, and it adds a whole new level of fun and excitement to the game.


Block Story is a sandbox adventure game, which means that players are free to explore the world and play the game however they want. There is no set storyline or objective, and players are free to create their own adventures.

The game world is procedurally generated, which means that it is different every time you play. This ensures that there is always something new to explore and discover. The world is also very large, so players can spend hours exploring without ever running out of things to see and do.

One of the main activities in Block Story is building. Players can use blocks to build structures of any shape or size. They can also use blocks to create their own landscapes, such as mountains, valleys, and rivers. The building system is very versatile, and players can use their creativity to create anything they can imagine.

Another main activity in Block Story is crafting. Players can collect resources from the world and use them to craft a variety of items, including weapons, armor, tools, and building materials. The crafting system is very deep, and players can experiment with different combinations of resources to create new and unique items.

Block Story also features a combat system. Players can fight enemies with a variety of weapons, including swords, axes, and bows. The combat is fast-paced and exciting, and players must use their skills and strategy to defeat their opponents.


Block Story uses a voxel-based graphics engine. Voxels are 3D pixels, and they allow for a much more detailed and interactive world than traditional 2D pixel-based games. The world of Block Story is very lush and colorful, and the voxel-based graphics give it a unique and charming look.


The sound design in Block Story is excellent. The music is atmospheric and immersive, and the sound effects are realistic and well-done. The sound design helps to create a truly believable and engaging world.


Block Story is an excellent sandbox adventure game. It offers a huge and detailed world to explore, a deep crafting system, and a robust combat system. The game is also very moddable, which means that players can create their own content and share it with the community. If you are a fan of sandbox adventure games, then Block Story is definitely worth checking out.

Score: 8/10

Review Score



Cover Art


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