Bootleg Bandits (1984)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Bootleg Bandits: A Classic Arcade Adventure

Released in 1984 by Atari, Inc., Bootleg Bandits is a side-scrolling arcade game that puts players in control of a group of bandits robbing stagecoaches. With its frantic gameplay and charming graphics, Bootleg Bandits quickly became a fan favorite and remains a popular classic to this day.


The goal of Bootleg Bandits is to rob as many stagecoaches as possible while avoiding capture by the law. Players control a group of four bandits, each with their own unique abilities. The bandits can jump, shoot, and climb ladders, and they can also use a variety of weapons and power-ups.

The game is played across a series of levels, each with its own unique challenges. The bandits must navigate through forests, deserts, and mountains, all while avoiding the law and robbing stagecoaches. The stagecoaches are carrying gold and other valuables, and the bandits must collect as much loot as possible before they reach the end of the level.

If a bandit is caught by the law, they will be taken to jail. The other bandits can rescue their captured comrade by shooting the jail door open. However, if all four bandits are captured, the game is over.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Bootleg Bandits are simple but charming. The characters and environments are all rendered in a colorful and cartoonish style, and the game’s animations are fluid and expressive. The game’s soundtrack is also excellent, with a catchy Western-themed score that perfectly complements the gameplay.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Bootleg Bandits was a critical and commercial success upon its release. The game was praised for its frantic gameplay, charming graphics, and catchy soundtrack. It was also one of the first arcade games to feature a group of playable characters, each with their own unique abilities.

Bootleg Bandits has been ported to a number of home platforms, including the Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and Nintendo Entertainment System. The game has also been included in a number of retro game compilations.

Bootleg Bandits is considered to be one of the classic arcade games of the 1980s. It is a fun and challenging game that is still enjoyed by gamers today.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you succeed in Bootleg Bandits:

  • Use cover. The bandits can hide behind rocks and trees to avoid being shot by the law.
  • Shoot the horses. If you shoot the horses pulling a stagecoach, the stagecoach will stop and the bandits can rob it more easily.
  • Use the power-ups. The power-ups in Bootleg Bandits can give the bandits a significant advantage. Be sure to collect them whenever you can.
  • Rescue your comrades. If a bandit is captured, be sure to rescue them as soon as possible. The more bandits you have, the easier it will be to rob stagecoaches.
  • Don’t get caught! If all four bandits are captured, the game is over. Be careful not to get caught by the law.


Bootleg Bandits is a classic arcade game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. With its frantic gameplay, charming graphics, and catchy soundtrack, Bootleg Bandits is a must-play for fans of retro gaming.

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