Bound (2016)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Bound (2016): A Journey Through the Labyrinth of Grief and Identity

Bound is a 3D platformer that sets itself apart from the genre with its focus on narrative, emotional depth, and community collaboration. Developed by Plastic Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, Bound was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 in 2016. The game follows the story of a young woman named Quinn as she navigates a surreal and fragmented world in search of her lost memories.

A Captivating and Mature Narrative

Bound’s narrative is one of its strongest aspects. The game presents a mature and introspective story that explores themes of grief, loss, and the search for identity. Quinn’s journey is deeply personal and relatable, as she struggles to piece together the fragments of her past and come to terms with the trauma that has shaped her life.

The game’s narrative is delivered through a combination of environmental storytelling, symbolic imagery, and sparse but effective dialogue. Players are left to interpret the meaning of many of the game’s events and symbols, which adds to the game’s overall depth and replayability.

Stunning Visuals and Immersive Sound Design

Bound’s visuals are simply stunning. The game’s world is a surreal and dreamlike landscape, filled with vibrant colors, flowing ribbons, and geometric shapes. The game’s art style is inspired by the works of surrealist artists such as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte.

The game’s sound design is equally impressive. The soundtrack is a mix of ambient soundscapes and haunting melodies that perfectly complement the game’s visuals and atmosphere. The sound design also plays an important role in the game’s puzzles, as players must often use sound cues to navigate the environment.

Challenging Puzzles and Community Collaboration

In addition to its narrative and visuals, Bound is also known for its challenging puzzles. The game’s puzzles are designed to be solved through a combination of logic, observation, and experimentation. Many of the puzzles require players to think outside the box and use the environment to their advantage.

One of the unique aspects of Bound’s puzzles is that they are designed to be solved by a community of players working together. The game features a built-in hint system that allows players to share their solutions with others. This collaborative approach to puzzle-solving adds a new layer of depth and engagement to the game.

A Thought-Provoking and Unforgettable Experience

Bound is a thought-provoking and unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after you finish playing. The game’s mature narrative, stunning visuals, immersive sound design, and challenging puzzles combine to create a truly unique and immersive experience.

Whether you’re a fan of platformers, narrative-driven games, or simply looking for a thought-provoking and challenging experience, Bound is a game that you should definitely check out.

Key Features:

  • A captivating and mature narrative that explores themes of grief, loss, and identity
  • Stunning visuals inspired by the works of surrealist artists
  • Immersive sound design that complements the game’s atmosphere and puzzles
  • Challenging puzzles designed to be solved through a combination of logic, observation, and experimentation
  • A built-in hint system that allows players to share their solutions with others, fostering a sense of community collaboration


  • BAFTA Games Award for Best British Game (nominated)
  • The Game Awards 2016 for Best Art Direction (nominated)
  • PlayStation Blog Game of the Year 2016 (nominated)

Review Score



Cover Art


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