Braxx Bluff

by Nish
4 minutes read


Braxx Bluff: The Ultimate Guide to Bluffing and Trick-Taking


Braxx Bluff is a hilarious and challenging card game that’s perfect for a game night with friends. With its clever bluffing mechanic, you’ll have to outsmart your opponents to come out on top.


Braxx Bluff is played with a deck of 60 cards, consisting of 10 cards in each of six suits: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, Stars, and Moons. The cards in each suit are ranked from 2 to 10, with the 10 being the highest-ranking card.

The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of three phases:

  1. Bidding: In the bidding phase, each player secretly bids on the number of tricks they think they can take in the round. The minimum bid is 1, and the maximum bid is 10.
  2. Playing: Once everyone has bid, the players take turns playing cards one at a time. The player who played the highest-ranking card of the suit that was led wins the trick and collects the cards that were played.
  3. Scoring: At the end of the round, each player scores points based on the number of tricks they took. If a player takes the number of tricks they bid, they score 10 points. If they take more tricks than they bid, they score 5 points for each extra trick. If they take fewer tricks than they bid, they lose 5 points for each trick they missed.


The key to winning Braxx Bluff is to bluff your opponents. You can do this by bidding on a higher number of tricks than you think you can actually take, or by playing cards that you don’t think will win the trick.

If you’re successful in your bluff, you’ll score extra points. But if you’re caught bluffing, you’ll lose points.


There are a few key strategies that you can use to improve your chances of winning Braxx Bluff:

  • Pay attention to the cards that have been played. This will help you to figure out what cards your opponents are holding and what cards are still in the deck.
  • Don’t be afraid to bluff. But don’t bluff too often, or your opponents will catch on.
  • Be flexible. Don’t stick to your original plan if it’s not working. Adjust your strategy based on the cards that have been played and the bids that your opponents have made.


Braxx Bluff is a fun and challenging card game that’s perfect for a game night with friends. With its clever bluffing mechanic, you’ll have to outsmart your opponents to come out on top.

Additional Tips

  • If you’re new to Braxx Bluff, I recommend starting with a low bid. This will help you to get the hang of the game and avoid losing too many points.
  • Once you’ve played a few rounds, you’ll start to get a feel for the game and you’ll be able to start bidding more aggressively.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies. There is no one right way to play Braxx Bluff.
  • Most importantly, have fun! Braxx Bluff is a game that’s meant to be enjoyed.

Review Score


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