Bridge It (2003)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Bridge It (2003): A Bridge-Building Masterpiece

Released in 2003, Bridge It is a bridge-building game that tasks players with designing and constructing bridges that can withstand the weight of passing vehicles and objects. Set in a variety of environments, from sparse deserts to dense forests, the game offers a challenging and rewarding experience for players of all skill levels.


The objective of Bridge It is simple: build a bridge that can withstand the weight of passing vehicles and objects. Players are given a set of tools and materials to work with, and they must use their creativity and engineering skills to design and construct a bridge that is both strong and efficient.

The game features a variety of different bridge types, including beam bridges, truss bridges, and suspension bridges. Players must choose the right type of bridge for the environment and the weight of the vehicles that will be crossing it. They must also take into account factors such as wind speed and water flow.

Once a bridge is complete, players can test it by sending vehicles and objects across it. If the bridge collapses, players must go back and redesign it. If the bridge holds up, players can move on to the next level.


Bridge It features a variety of different environments, each with its own unique challenges. Players will build bridges in deserts, forests, mountains, and even over water. Each environment has its own unique set of obstacles, such as wind, water flow, and uneven terrain.

Tools and Materials

Players are given a variety of tools and materials to work with when building bridges. These include:

  • Wood: Wood is a strong and durable material that is well-suited for building bridges. However, it is also susceptible to fire and rot.
  • Steel: Steel is a very strong material that is ideal for building long-span bridges. However, it is also more expensive than wood.
  • Concrete: Concrete is a strong and durable material that is well-suited for building bridges in wet or corrosive environments. However, it is also very heavy.
  • Cables: Cables are used to support the weight of long-span bridges. They are made of steel or other strong materials.

Challenge Mode

In addition to the main campaign, Bridge It also features a challenge mode. In challenge mode, players are given a set of pre-defined challenges to complete. These challenges are designed to test players’ engineering skills and creativity.


Bridge It was a critical and commercial success. It was praised for its realistic physics, challenging gameplay, and variety of environments. The game has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.


Bridge It is a challenging and rewarding bridge-building game that is sure to appeal to players of all skill levels. With its realistic physics, variety of environments, and tools and materials, Bridge It is a great way to test your engineering skills and creativity.

Tips for Playing Bridge It

Here are a few tips for playing Bridge It:

  • Start with the smaller bridges. This will help you get a feel for the game mechanics and how to build strong bridges.
  • Use the right materials for the job. Wood is good for short-span bridges, while steel is better for long-span bridges.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to build a bridge.
  • Test your bridges thoroughly. Make sure they can withstand the weight of the vehicles and objects that will be crossing them.
  • If your bridge collapses, don’t give up. Go back and redesign it.
  • Have fun! Bridge It is a challenging but rewarding game.

Review Score


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