Bugs (1982)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Bugs: A Bug’s-Eye View of Extermination

Released in 1982, Bugs is a classic arcade shooter that puts players in the role of a lone pilot tasked with exterminating a race of giant, intelligent bugs that have overrun a barren planet. With its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and unique setting, Bugs quickly became a fan favorite and remains popular among retro gaming enthusiasts today.


Bugs is a top-down shooter in which the player controls a ship that can move in eight directions and fire in any direction. The player’s ship is equipped with a powerful laser that can destroy bugs on contact. However, the bugs are constantly moving and firing back, so the player must be quick and accurate to survive.

The game is divided into a series of levels, each with its own unique layout and challenges. The player must navigate through each level, destroying all of the bugs while avoiding their fire. At the end of each level, the player must defeat a boss bug, which is a larger and more powerful version of the regular bugs.


Bugs is set on a barren planet that has been long dead. The planet’s surface is covered in craters and mountains, and there is no sign of life anywhere. However, beneath the surface, there is a thriving underground world ruled by a race of intelligent Super-Bugs.

The Super-Bugs are a highly advanced race of creatures that have developed their own technology and culture. They are led by a queen bug, who is responsible for laying eggs and ensuring the survival of the colony. The Super-Bugs are also capable of creating genetically engineered Super-Drones, which are powerful creatures that can penetrate any surface.


The player will face a variety of different enemies in Bugs, including:

  • Regular bugs: These are the most common enemy in the game. They are small and weak, but they can be dangerous in large numbers.
  • Flying bugs: These bugs can fly, which makes them more difficult to hit. They also fire projectiles that can damage the player’s ship.
  • Burrowing bugs: These bugs can burrow underground and then surprise the player by attacking from below.
  • Boss bugs: These bugs are larger and more powerful than the regular bugs. They each have their own unique attack patterns, and they can be very difficult to defeat.


The player’s ship is equipped with a powerful laser that can destroy bugs on contact. The player can also collect power-ups that will give them additional weapons and abilities, such as:

  • Spread shot: This power-up gives the player’s ship the ability to fire a spread of lasers in eight directions.
  • Rapid fire: This power-up gives the player’s ship the ability to fire lasers more rapidly.
  • Shield: This power-up gives the player’s ship a shield that can absorb enemy fire.
  • Smart bomb: This power-up gives the player’s ship the ability to fire a powerful bomb that can destroy all enemies on the screen.


Bugs was a critical and commercial success upon its release in 1982. It was praised for its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and unique setting. Bugs has been ported to a variety of home platforms over the years, and it remains popular among retro gaming enthusiasts today.

Bugs is considered to be one of the most influential arcade shooters of all time. It helped to popularize the top-down shooter genre, and its unique setting and gameplay have been imitated by many other games. Bugs is a true classic that still holds up today, and it is a must-play for fans of retro gaming.

Tips for Playing Bugs

Here are a few tips for playing Bugs:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. The bugs are constantly moving and firing, so it is important to be aware of your surroundings and to avoid getting hit by their fire.
  • Use cover. There are a number of obstacles in each level that you can use to cover yourself from enemy fire. Use these obstacles to your advantage to stay alive.
  • Collect power-ups. Power-ups can give you additional weapons and abilities that can help you to defeat the bugs. Be sure to collect every power-up that you can find.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your smart bomb. The smart bomb is a powerful weapon that can destroy all enemies on the screen. Use it wisely to get out of tough situations.
  • Practice. The best way to get good at Bugs is to practice. Play the game as much as you can and you will eventually learn how to defeat the bugs and complete the levels.


Bugs is a classic arcade shooter that still holds up today. With its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and unique setting, Bugs is a must-play for fans of retro gaming. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding arcade experience, then be sure to check out Bugs.

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