Catacomb Kids (2015)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Catacomb Kids: A Deep Dive into the Procedurally Generated Platformer


Catacomb Kids is a procedurally generated platformer that emphasizes quick reactions, tactical engagement, and strategic character growth. Players take control of a group of kids who are exploring a dark and dangerous catacomb, filled with traps, beasts, and other hazards. The game features a variety of weapons, spells, and abilities that can be used to overcome these challenges.


Catacomb Kids is a side-scrolling platformer with a focus on exploration and combat. Players control a group of up to four kids, each with their own unique abilities. The kids can jump, attack, and use magic to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies.

The game’s procedurally generated levels are filled with a variety of challenges, including traps, puzzles, and boss battles. Players must use their wits and teamwork to overcome these challenges and progress through the catacomb.


There are four playable characters in Catacomb Kids:

  • Aiden: A skilled swordsman with a strong attack.
  • Mia: A nimble archer with a long range.
  • Kai: A powerful mage with a variety of spells.
  • Elena: A healer with the ability to restore health and remove debuffs.

Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, so players must choose their team carefully to suit their playstyle.

Weapons and Abilities

Catacomb Kids features a variety of weapons and abilities that can be used to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles. Weapons include swords, spears, axes, and daggers. Abilities include spells, potions, and traps.

Players can find new weapons and abilities by exploring the catacomb and defeating enemies. They can also upgrade their weapons and abilities by spending gold at the blacksmith.


Catacomb Kids is a challenging game that requires players to use strategy to succeed. Players must carefully consider their team composition, weapon choices, and ability upgrades in order to overcome the game’s many challenges.

One important aspect of strategy in Catacomb Kids is crowd control. Players must be able to manage large groups of enemies without getting overwhelmed. This can be done by using spells, traps, and abilities to control the flow of combat.

Another important aspect of strategy is resource management. Players must carefully manage their health, mana, and gold in order to survive and progress through the catacomb.

Graphics and Sound

Catacomb Kids features charming pixel art graphics and a catchy soundtrack. The game’s visuals are simple but effective, and the soundtrack helps to create a sense of atmosphere and urgency.


Catacomb Kids is a well-crafted and challenging platformer that offers a lot of replay value. The game’s procedurally generated levels, variety of characters, and strategic gameplay make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Tips for Success

Here are a few tips for success in Catacomb Kids:

  • Choose your team carefully. Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose a team that suits your playstyle.
  • Upgrade your weapons and abilities. Upgrading your weapons and abilities will make you more powerful and help you to overcome the game’s challenges.
  • Be strategic. Catacomb Kids is a challenging game that requires players to use strategy to succeed. Carefully consider your team composition, weapon choices, and ability upgrades in order to overcome the game’s many challenges.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. Catacomb Kids offers a lot of different ways to play. Experiment with different team compositions, weapon choices, and ability upgrades to find what works best for you.

Review Score



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