Catlateral Damage (2015)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Catlateral Damage: The Purrfectly Destructive Game

Catlateral Damage is a first-person destructive cat simulator that lets you experience the world through the eyes of a cat on a rampage. Your goal is simple: knock as much stuff onto the ground as possible.

The game features a variety of different levels, each with its own unique set of objects to knock over. You’ll start out in a small apartment, but as you progress, you’ll move on to larger and more challenging environments, such as a museum, a library, and even a construction site.

Along the way, you’ll encounter a variety of obstacles, such as closed doors, high shelves, and even other cats. But don’t worry, you’re equipped with a variety of cat-like abilities to help you overcome any challenge.

You can jump, climb, and even use your tail to knock objects off of high shelves. You can also use your claws to scratch at objects and make them fall over.

As you progress through the game, you’ll earn points for knocking over objects. You can use these points to purchase upgrades for your cat, such as increased jump height, faster speed, and even the ability to slow down time.

Catlateral Damage is a hilarious and addictive game that’s perfect for anyone who loves cats or destruction. It’s a great way to relieve stress and have some fun.


Catlateral Damage is played from a first-person perspective. You control a cat that can walk, run, jump, and climb. You can also use your claws to scratch at objects and make them fall over.

The goal of the game is to knock over as many objects as possible. You can do this by knocking them off of shelves, tables, and other surfaces. You can also use your claws to scratch at objects and make them fall over.

As you knock over objects, you’ll earn points. You can use these points to purchase upgrades for your cat, such as increased jump height, faster speed, and even the ability to slow down time.


Catlateral Damage features a variety of different levels, each with its own unique set of objects to knock over. You’ll start out in a small apartment, but as you progress, you’ll move on to larger and more challenging environments, such as a museum, a library, and even a construction site.

Each level is filled with a variety of different objects to knock over, such as vases, glasses, books, and even TVs. You’ll also encounter a variety of obstacles, such as closed doors, high shelves, and even other cats.


In addition to the various objects that you can knock over, you’ll also encounter a variety of enemies in Catlateral Damage. These enemies include other cats, dogs, and even humans.

Other cats will try to knock you over, so you’ll need to be careful. Dogs will chase you, so you’ll need to run away. And humans will try to stop you from knocking over objects, so you’ll need to avoid them.


As you progress through Catlateral Damage, you’ll earn points that you can use to purchase upgrades for your cat. These upgrades can give your cat new abilities, such as increased jump height, faster speed, and even the ability to slow down time.

Some of the upgrades that you can purchase include:

  • Increased jump height: This upgrade allows your cat to jump higher, which can help you reach objects that are on high shelves.
  • Faster speed: This upgrade makes your cat run faster, which can help you avoid enemies and reach objects that are far away.
  • Slow motion: This upgrade allows you to slow down time, which can give you more time to line up your shots and knock over objects.


Catlateral Damage is a hilarious and addictive game that’s perfect for anyone who loves cats or destruction. It’s a great way to relieve stress and have some fun.

With its variety of levels, enemies, and upgrades, Catlateral Damage offers a lot of replay value. You’ll find yourself coming back to the game again and again to try to beat your high score and unlock all of the upgrades.

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