Chaos;Head (2008)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Chaos;Head: A Deep Dive into the Madness

Chaos;Head is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. and Nitroplus. It was originally released for the Xbox 360 in 2008, and has since been ported to multiple other platforms, including the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, and Windows. The game is set in Shibuya, Tokyo, and follows the story of Takumi Nishijou, a high school student who becomes entangled in a series of mysterious murders.

Takumi is a member of the school’s Newspaper Club, and he is initially drawn into the investigation of the murders by a strange email that he receives. The email contains a video of one of the murders, and Takumi is soon contacted by a mysterious girl named Rimi Sakihata, who claims to be the killer.

As Takumi investigates the murders, he learns that they are part of a larger conspiracy involving a secret organization known as the Committee of 300. The Committee is led by a man named Kazuya Kishida, who is using the murders to further his own political agenda.

Takumi and his friends soon find themselves in danger as they try to uncover the truth about the Committee of 300. They are hunted by assassins, and they must also contend with the delusions that are plaguing Takumi’s mind.

Chaos;Head is a dark and disturbing visual novel that explores themes of madness, paranoia, and the dangers of conspiracy theories. The game features a complex and well-written story, and its characters are both relatable and flawed.

The Characters of Chaos;Head

  • Takumi Nishijou: The protagonist of the game, Takumi is a high school student who becomes entangled in a series of mysterious murders. He is a member of the school’s Newspaper Club, and he is initially drawn into the investigation by a strange email that he receives.
  • Rimi Sakihata: A mysterious girl who claims to be the killer of the Shibuya murders. She is a member of the Committee of 300, and she is using the murders to further her own agenda.
  • Yua Kusunoki: A member of the Newspaper Club and Takumi’s childhood friend. She is a kind and caring girl, but she is also fiercely protective of Takumi.
  • Seiji Satou: Another member of the Newspaper Club, Seiji is a computer expert who helps Takumi with his investigation. He is a loyal friend, but he can also be a bit sarcastic at times.
  • Kazuya Kishida: The leader of the Committee of 300, Kishida is a powerful and ruthless man. He is using the murders to further his own political agenda, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

The Themes of Chaos;Head

  • Madness: Chaos;Head is a game about madness, both literal and figurative. Takumi is plagued by delusions, and he often struggles to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The game also explores the madness of the world around Takumi, as the city of Shibuya is gripped by fear and paranoia.
  • Paranoia: Chaos;Head is a game about paranoia, both personal and political. Takumi is constantly怀疑ing the people around him, and he believes that he is being watched and followed. The game also explores the paranoia of the Japanese people in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • Conspiracy theories: Chaos;Head is a game about conspiracy theories, and the dangers of believing them. Takumi is drawn into a world of conspiracy theories, and he soon learns that they can be both seductive and dangerous. The game explores the ways in which conspiracy theories can lead to violence and extremism.

The Gameplay of Chaos;Head

Chaos;Head is a visual novel, which means that the gameplay consists primarily of reading text and making choices. The player’s choices will affect the story, and there are multiple endings to the game.

The game also features a unique “Delusion Trigger” system. When Takumi is under stress, he will experience delusions, which are represented by distorted images and sounds. The player can choose to indulge in these delusions, or they can try to resist them. Indulging in delusions will lead to Takumi’s mental health deteriorating, but it can also give the player access to new information.

The Reception of Chaos;Head

Chaos;Head was met with critical acclaim upon its release. The game was praised for its complex and well-written story, its realistic and relatable characters, and its unique gameplay mechanics. Chaos;Head has won numerous awards, including the Famitsu Award for Excellence in Visual Novels.

The game has also been praised for its dark and disturbing atmosphere. Chaos;Head is not for the faint of heart, but it is a powerful and unforgettable experience for those who are willing to take the plunge.


Chaos;Head is a masterpiece of the visual novel genre. It is a dark and disturbing game, but it is also a thought-provoking and rewarding experience. Chaos;Head is a must-play for fans of visual novels, and it is a game that will stay with you long after you finish playing it.

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