Chess 2: The Sequel (2014)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Chess 2: The Sequel (2014) – A Comprehensive Review


Chess 2: The Sequel (2014) is a bold and innovative take on the classic game of chess. Designed by David Sirlin, the game introduces new pieces, mechanics, and rules, resulting in a more dynamic, strategic, and exciting chess experience.

The Board and Pieces

The Chess 2 board is the same size as the traditional chessboard, but with a few key differences. The most notable is the addition of two new squares, one on each side of the board, called the “throne squares.” These squares are where the kings start the game and have special significance in the gameplay.

The pieces in Chess 2 are also different from traditional chess pieces. There are still pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, and queens, but each piece has been modified or replaced with a new piece with unique abilities.

  • Pawns: Pawns can now move forward one or two squares on their first move, and they capture diagonally forward.
  • Knights: Knights now move in an “L” pattern, but they can also jump over other pieces.
  • Bishops: Bishops move diagonally as in traditional chess, but they can now also move two squares in any direction.
  • Rooks: Rooks move horizontally or vertically as in traditional chess, but they can now also move one square diagonally.
  • Queens: Queens are the most powerful pieces on the board, and they can move any number of squares in any direction.

The New Pieces

In addition to the modified traditional pieces, Chess 2 introduces four new pieces:

  • Elephants: Elephants move two squares diagonally forward, but they can only capture pieces that are on the same color square as them.
  • Catapults: Catapults can fire projectiles over other pieces to attack pieces behind them.
  • Marshals: Marshals move like a king in traditional chess, but they can also capture pieces that are two squares away.
  • Cardinals: Cardinals move like a queen in traditional chess, but they can only move three squares in any direction.


The basic rules of chess remain the same in Chess 2: the goal is to checkmate the opponent’s king. However, the new pieces and mechanics add a new layer of strategy and complexity to the game.

One of the most significant changes in Chess 2 is the introduction of the throne squares. Kings can move to the throne squares to become “enthroned.” Enthroned kings are immune to check and can only be captured by another king. This adds a new level of protection to the king and makes it more difficult to checkmate.

Another significant change is the ability of pieces to capture over other pieces. This opens up new possibilities for attacking and defending pieces, and it makes it more important to control the center of the board.


Chess 2 is a game of strategy and tactics. The key to success is to control the center of the board, develop your pieces quickly, and protect your king. The new pieces and mechanics add a new layer of complexity to the game, and it is important to understand how they work in order to develop effective strategies.

One of the most important strategic considerations in Chess 2 is the placement of your pieces. The new pieces have different strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to place them in positions where they can be most effective. For example, elephants are powerful attackers, but they are weak against pieces that are on the same color square as them. Therefore, it is important to place elephants on squares where they can attack multiple pieces without being vulnerable to capture.

Another important strategic consideration is the control of the center of the board. The center of the board is the most important area on the board, as it gives you the most control over the game. Controlling the center allows you to develop your pieces quickly and attack your opponent’s pieces.


Chess 2: The Sequel (2014) is a bold and innovative take on the classic game of chess. The new pieces, mechanics, and rules make for a more dynamic, strategic, and exciting chess experience. Whether you are a seasoned chess player or a newcomer to the game, Chess 2 is sure to provide you with hours of enjoyment.

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