Chopper Squad

by Nish
3 minutes read


Chopper Squad: A Retrospective on the Classic Arcade Helicopter Shooter

Released in 1982 by Universal, Chopper Squad is an arcade classic that defined the helicopter shooter subgenre. With its intense action, innovative gameplay, and memorable graphics, Chopper Squad left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape and continues to be enjoyed by retro gaming enthusiasts today.


Chopper Squad is a vertically scrolling shooter where players take control of a helicopter and must navigate through a series of increasingly challenging levels, battling enemy helicopters, tanks, and other obstacles. The game’s controls are simple yet effective, with players using a joystick to move the helicopter and buttons to fire and drop bombs.

One of the most innovative aspects of Chopper Squad is its use of vertical scrolling. This allows for a much more dynamic and exciting experience than traditional side-scrolling shooters, as players must constantly be aware of threats from both above and below.


Chopper Squad features a total of 32 levels, each with its own unique layout and challenges. The early levels are relatively straightforward, but as the game progresses, the levels become increasingly complex and difficult.

Some levels are set in urban environments, while others take place in forests, deserts, and even underwater. Each level is filled with a variety of enemies, including helicopters, tanks, turrets, and even giant spiders.

Weapons and Power-Ups

Chopper Squad offers a variety of weapons and power-ups to help players on their mission. The helicopter’s default weapon is a forward-firing machine gun, but players can also collect power-ups to upgrade their weapons to more powerful lasers and missiles.

Other power-ups include speed boosts, invincibility, and extra lives. These power-ups can be found hidden throughout the levels or dropped by defeated enemies.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, Chopper Squad’s graphics were cutting-edge. The game’s vibrant colors and detailed sprites brought the action to life on the arcade screen. The game’s soundtrack is also memorable, with its catchy tunes and sound effects that perfectly capture the intensity of the gameplay.


Chopper Squad was a huge success in arcades and was later ported to home computers and consoles. The game’s popularity spawned several sequels and spin-offs, including Chopper Squad II and Super Chopper.

Chopper Squad is also credited with inspiring other classic helicopter shooters, such as Ikari Warriors and Gun.Smoke. The game’s influence can still be seen in modern shooters today, with many games borrowing its vertical scrolling gameplay and intense action.


Chopper Squad is a true arcade classic that defined the helicopter shooter genre. With its innovative gameplay, exciting levels, and memorable graphics, Chopper Squad continues to be enjoyed by gamers of all ages. Whether you’re a retro gaming enthusiast or simply looking for a great action game to play, Chopper Squad is definitely worth checking out.

Review Score


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