Command Adventures: Starship (1993)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Command Adventures: Starship (1993)

Released in 1993, Command Adventures: Starship is a space exploration game that puts you in the captain’s chair of a starship. You’ll explore the galaxy, engage in space combat, and lead away teams on ground missions. With its deep gameplay and engaging story, Command Adventures: Starship is a must-play for any fan of the space exploration genre.


Command Adventures: Starship is a turn-based game. On your turn, you can move your ship, scan for planets and alien ships, or engage in combat.

Space Exploration

The galaxy of Command Adventures: Starship is vast and full of planets to explore. Each planet has its own unique environment and resources. You’ll need to use your ship’s sensors to scan for planets and determine if they are worth exploring.

Once you’ve found a planet that you want to explore, you can land your ship and send an away team to the surface. Away teams are made up of crew members that you have recruited. Each crew member has their own unique skills and abilities. You’ll need to choose the right crew members for each away mission.

Space Combat

Space combat in Command Adventures: Starship is turn-based. Each turn, you can move your ship, fire your weapons, or use special abilities. You’ll need to use your ship’s weapons and abilities strategically to defeat your enemies.

Ground Combat

Ground combat in Command Adventures: Starship is also turn-based. Each turn, you can move your away team members, attack the enemy, or use special abilities. You’ll need to use your away team members’ skills and abilities strategically to defeat your enemies.


The story of Command Adventures: Starship takes place in the year 2127. The great interstellar war has ended, and the galaxy is full of planets unclaimed to any particular government. You are a starship captain who has been commissioned to explore space for these available worlds and conquer them for the glory of your race.

As you explore the galaxy, you’ll encounter a variety of alien races. Some of these races are friendly, while others are hostile. You’ll need to use your diplomatic skills to forge alliances with the friendly races and defeat the hostile races.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics of Command Adventures: Starship are simple but effective. The game’s top-down perspective gives you a good view of the battlefield, and the ship and character sprites are well-drawn. The game’s sound effects are also well-done, and the music is catchy and atmospheric.


Command Adventures: Starship is a classic space exploration game that still holds up today. With its deep gameplay, engaging story, and charming graphics and sound, it’s a must-play for any fan of the genre.

Review Score



  • Deep and engaging gameplay
  • Vast and explorable galaxy
  • Variety of alien races to encounter
  • Challenging and rewarding combat
  • Charming graphics and sound


  • Graphics are a bit dated
  • Can be repetitive at times
  • Away team combat can be difficult to control

Review Score



Cover Art


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