Conflict: The Middle East Simulation (1991)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Conflict: The Middle East Simulation (1991)

Conflict: The Middle East Simulation is a complex and challenging political strategy game developed by Simulations Canada and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. in 1991. The game puts players in the shoes of a regional power during the volatile 1990s, and tasks them with managing their country’s economy, military, and diplomacy in order to achieve their goals.

Conflict is set on a map of the Middle East that is divided into over 100 provinces. Each province has its own unique characteristics, such as population, resources, and infrastructure. Players must carefully manage their resources in order to build up their economy and military, while also maintaining their diplomatic relationships with other countries.

The game features a wide range of political and military options, allowing players to pursue a variety of strategies to achieve their goals. Players can choose to focus on economic development, military conquest, or diplomatic alliances. They can also choose to support or oppose various political factions within their own country and in other countries.

Conflict is a complex and challenging game that requires careful planning and execution. Players must be able to think strategically and adapt their plans to the ever-changing political and military landscape. The game is also highly replayable, as there are many different ways to achieve victory.


Conflict is a turn-based strategy game. Each turn, players receive a budget that they can use to purchase units, build infrastructure, or conduct diplomacy. Players can also choose to move their units around the map, attack enemy units, or negotiate with other countries.

The game features a wide range of units, including infantry, armor, artillery, and aircraft. Each unit has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and players must carefully consider the composition of their army when making decisions about where and how to attack.

Conflict also features a detailed diplomatic system. Players can negotiate treaties with other countries, exchange resources, and form alliances. Diplomacy is an important part of the game, as it can help players to achieve their goals without resorting to war.


Conflict is set in the Middle East during the 1990s. This was a period of great political and military instability in the region, with the rise of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict. The game accurately reflects the complex political and military landscape of the region, and players must be aware of the historical context in order to make informed decisions.


Conflict was a critical and commercial success. The game was praised for its realism, complexity, and replayability. It was also praised for its accurate depiction of the Middle East and its exploration of the complex political and military issues facing the region.

Conflict has been cited as an influence on a number of other strategy games, including the Total War series and the Civilization series. It is considered to be one of the classic strategy games of all time, and it remains popular with gamers today.


Conflict has had a lasting impact on the strategy gaming genre. The game’s complex and realistic gameplay has set a high standard for other strategy games, and its accurate depiction of the Middle East has helped to raise awareness of the region’s political and military issues.

Conflict is also notable for its use of artificial intelligence. The game’s AI is able to adapt to the player’s strategies and make intelligent decisions. This makes the game more challenging and replayable, as players must constantly adapt their plans to the changing AI behavior.


Conflict: The Middle East Simulation is a classic strategy game that remains popular with gamers today. The game’s complex and realistic gameplay, accurate depiction of the Middle East, and challenging AI make it a must-play for fans of strategy games.

Review Score


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