Conquest of the New World (1996)

by Christopher
7 minutes read


Conquest of the New World: A Detailed Exploration


Conquest of the New World is a turn-based strategy game released in 1996 by Microprose. The game puts you in the role of a European power during the Age of Exploration, and tasks you with exploring, conquering, and colonizing the New World.


The gameplay in Conquest of the New World is divided into two main phases: the exploration phase and the conquest phase.

During the exploration phase, you send out explorers to search for new lands. Explorers can be equipped with a variety of items, such as maps, compasses, and weapons. The type of equipment you give your explorers will affect their chances of success.

Once you have discovered a new land, you can send out colonists to establish a settlement. Settlements can be used to produce resources, build units, and train new explorers.

During the conquest phase, you can use your units to attack and conquer enemy settlements. Combat in Conquest of the New World is turn-based, and each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses.


Conquest of the New World features a number of unique features that set it apart from other strategy games.

  • Infinite replayability: The game’s worlds are computer-generated, so each game is unique. This means that you can play the game over and over again without ever getting bored.
  • Customizable worlds: You can customize the game’s worlds to your liking. You can choose the size of the world, the number of continents, and the climate.
  • Historical accuracy: The game is based on real-world history, and it features many accurate details about the Age of Exploration.


Conquest of the New World was a critical and commercial success. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, its beautiful graphics, and its historical accuracy. It was also a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.


Conquest of the New World is considered to be one of the greatest strategy games of all time. It has been praised for its innovative gameplay, its beautiful graphics, and its historical accuracy. The game has also had a significant impact on the strategy genre, and it has inspired many other games.


Conquest of the New World is a classic strategy game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s innovative gameplay, beautiful graphics, and historical accuracy make it a must-play for any fan of strategy games.

Additional Details

  • Developer: Microprose
  • Publisher: Microprose
  • Release date: 1996
  • Platforms: PC
  • Genre: Turn-based strategy


  • Game of the Year (1996) – Computer Gaming World
  • Best Strategy Game (1996) – Computer Games Strategy Plus
  • Best Historical Strategy Game (1996) – Computer Games Magazine

Historical Context

The Age of Exploration was a period of European history that began in the 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. During this period, European explorers set out to explore the world and find new trade routes. The Age of Exploration led to the discovery of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Conquest of the New World is set during the Age of Exploration, and it allows players to experience this exciting period of history firsthand. Players can explore the New World, conquer new lands, and build their own empires.

Educational Value

Conquest of the New World can be a valuable educational tool. The game teaches players about the Age of Exploration, and it can help them to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The game’s historical accuracy makes it a great way to learn about the past. Players can learn about the different European powers that explored the New World, and they can learn about the impact that the Age of Exploration had on the world.

Conquest of the New World can also help players to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The game requires players to make strategic decisions in order to succeed. Players must decide how to allocate their resources, how to explore the New World, and how to conquer enemy settlements. These decisions can be challenging, but they can also be very rewarding.


Conquest of the New World is a classic strategy game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s innovative gameplay, beautiful graphics, and historical accuracy make it a must-play for any fan of strategy games. The game can also be a valuable educational tool, as it can teach players about the Age of Exploration and help them to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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