Continue?9876543210 (2013)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Continue?9876543210: An Artsy, Philosophical Action Game

Released in 2013 for iOS devices, Mac, PC, and Linux, Continue?9876543210 is an artsy, philosophical action game that has been praised for its unique visuals, thought-provoking gameplay, and haunting soundtrack. The game was inspired by existential road trips into nowhere, Peruvian jungle drugs, and a brush with death while lost in the mountains of New Mexico. It is a quest for wonder, contemplation, and peace.


Continue?9876543210 is a side-scrolling action game with a unique twist: the player character, a faceless humanoid figure, can only move forward. The player must use the environment to their advantage, jumping over obstacles, sliding under gaps, and using objects to solve puzzles. The game’s levels areどれもユニークで、プレイヤーに新しい課題と驚異を提供します。

In addition to the main story mode, Continue?9876543210 also features a number of secret levels and challenges. These levels are even more difficult than the main story mode, and they often require the player to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to progress.


Continue?9876543210’s visuals are simple but striking. The game’s world is rendered in a minimalist style, with blocky characters and environments. However, the game’s use of color and lighting is masterful, and the result is a world that is both beautiful and unsettling.

The game’s soundtrack is also noteworthy. The music is a mix of ambient and electronic soundscapes, and it perfectly complements the game’s visuals and gameplay. The music is both beautiful and haunting, and it helps to create a sense of unease and tension.


Continue?9876543210 is a game that is full of symbolism and allegory. The game’s title, for example, is a reference to the existential question of whether or not to continue living. The game’s protagonist is a faceless humanoid figure, which could be seen as a representation of the player’s own facelessness in the face of the vastness of the universe.

The game’s levels are also full of symbolism. The player must often navigate through dark and dangerous environments, which could be seen as a representation of the challenges of life. The game’s ending is also ambiguous, and it is up to the player to decide what it means.


Continue?9876543210 has been praised by critics for its unique visuals, thought-provoking gameplay, and haunting soundtrack. The game has been compared to other classic artsy games such as Journey and Braid.


Continue?9876543210 is a unique and thought-provoking game that is sure to stay with you long after you finish playing it. The game’s beautiful visuals, haunting soundtrack, and challenging gameplay create an experience that is both immersive and unforgettable. If you’re looking for a game that will make you think, feel, and question your existence, then Continue?9876543210 is definitely worth checking out.


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