Contradiction: Spot the Liar! (2015)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Contradiction: Spot the Liar! (2015) Review

Contradiction: Spot the Liar! is an interactive crime drama game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the gameplay. It’s a brand new take on the concept of an interactive movie and brings the genre to a whole new level of playability.

You play as Inspector Howard, a detective investigating the murder of Laura James. You must interview the witnesses and suspects, collect evidence, and piece together the clues to solve the crime.

Contradiction plays as smoothly as a 3D graphic game. You can wander freely around the game environment, collecting evidence and witnessing constantly changing events. However, the centerpiece of the game is interviewing the characters you meet.

You can question the characters about all the evidence you’ve collected and things you’ve seen. The characters will often contradict themselves, and it’s up to you to spot these contradictions and catch them out.

The interrogation system is brilliantly executed. The characters are all well-acted and believable, and their responses to your questions are always interesting and informative. It’s genuinely satisfying to catch a character in a lie and see them squirm.

The story of Contradiction is well-written and engaging. The mystery is complex and there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing until the very end.

Overall, Contradiction: Spot the Liar! is a must-play for fans of interactive crime dramas. The live-action gameplay is incredibly immersive, the interrogation system is brilliantly executed, and the story is well-written and engaging.


Contradiction is played from a first-person perspective. You can move around the game environment freely, using the mouse to look around and the WASD keys to move. You can interact with objects in the environment by clicking on them with the mouse.

When you interview a character, you will be presented with a list of questions. You can ask the character any of these questions, and they will respond with a voice-acted answer. You can also present the character with evidence that you have collected.

The characters will often contradict themselves in their answers. It’s up to you to spot these contradictions and catch them out. You can do this by presenting them with evidence that contradicts their statements, or by asking them follow-up questions that highlight the inconsistencies in their story.

If you successfully catch a character in a lie, they will become more cooperative and provide you with more information. However, if you accuse a character of lying when they are telling the truth, they will become defensive and less likely to help you.


The characters in Contradiction are all well-acted and believable. They have their own unique personalities and motivations, and they all play a role in the story.

The main character, Inspector Howard, is a likeable and relatable protagonist. He is intelligent and determined, but he is also flawed and makes mistakes.

The other characters in the game include Laura James, the victim of the murder; her husband, David James; her sister, Sarah James; and her best friend, Emily Carter. Each of these characters has their own secrets and motives, and it’s up to you to figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying.


The story of Contradiction is well-written and engaging. It is a complex mystery with plenty of twists and turns. The game does a good job of keeping you guessing until the very end.

The game begins with the discovery of Laura James’ body. Inspector Howard is assigned to the case, and he quickly begins to interview the witnesses and suspects.

As Howard investigates, he uncovers a web of lies and deceit. Each of the characters has something to hide, and it’s up to Howard to figure out who is responsible for Laura’s murder.

The story of Contradiction is told through a series of flashbacks. You will interview the characters in different locations and at different times. This can be a bit confusing at first, but the game does a good job of keeping track of the timeline and making sure that everything makes sense.


Contradiction: Spot the Liar! is a must-play for fans of interactive crime dramas. The live-action gameplay is incredibly immersive, the interrogation system is brilliantly executed, and the story is well-written and engaging.

If you’re looking for a game that will challenge your mind and keep you guessing until the very end, then Contradiction is definitely worth checking out.

Review Score



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