Cortex Command (2012)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Cortex Command: A Cerebral Strategy Game

In the distant future, humanity has achieved the ability to prolong life indefinitely by amputating their physical bodies and transferring their brains into artificial life support systems. These disembodied brains can then remotely control a variety of machines and bodies, giving them a level of power and control that was previously unimaginable.

Cortex Command is a strategy game that puts you in control of one of these disembodied brains. Your goal is to use your technological powers to collect gold, build an army, and defeat your opponents.


Cortex Command is a top-down strategy game with a focus on unit control and resource management. You play as a disembodied brain that can remotely control a variety of units, including soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft. You can also build structures to produce new units and research upgrades.

The game’s world is fully destructible, so you can use your units to dig tunnels, create obstacles, and destroy enemy structures. You can also use the environment to your advantage, such as by using trees to provide cover for your units or by blowing up bridges to cut off enemy supply lines.

One of the unique features of Cortex Command is its AI programming system. You can program your units to follow simple commands, such as patrolling an area or attacking enemy units. This allows you to automate some of the more tedious tasks in the game, freeing you up to focus on the bigger picture.


The main resource in Cortex Command is gold. You can collect gold by mining it from the ground or by destroying enemy units. Gold can be used to purchase new units, structures, and upgrades.

There are also a variety of other resources in the game, such as energy, metal, and research points. These resources are used to power your structures, build new units, and research upgrades.


There are a variety of different units that you can control in Cortex Command. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right unit for the job.

Some of the most common units in the game include:

  • Soldiers: Soldiers are the basic infantry unit in Cortex Command. They are relatively weak, but they are also cheap and easy to produce.
  • Vehicles: Vehicles are more powerful than soldiers, but they are also more expensive and difficult to produce. Vehicles come in a variety of types, including tanks, APCs, and artillery.
  • Aircraft: Aircraft are the most powerful units in the game, but they are also the most expensive and difficult to produce. Aircraft can be used to attack ground units, air units, and structures.


Structures are used to produce new units, research upgrades, and store resources. There are a variety of different structures in the game, including:

  • Barracks: Barracks produce soldiers.
  • Factories: Factories produce vehicles.
  • Airports: Airports produce aircraft.
  • Labs: Labs research upgrades.
  • Warehouses: Warehouses store resources.


Upgrades can be researched at labs to improve the capabilities of your units and structures. There are a variety of different upgrades available, including:

  • Weapon upgrades: Weapon upgrades increase the damage and range of your units’ weapons.
  • Armor upgrades: Armor upgrades increase the durability of your units.
  • Speed upgrades: Speed upgrades increase the movement speed of your units.
  • Production upgrades: Production upgrades increase the production speed of your structures.


Cortex Command can be played in single-player or multiplayer mode. In multiplayer mode, you can compete against other players online or over a LAN.

There are a variety of different multiplayer modes available, including:

  • Deathmatch: Deathmatch is a free-for-all mode where the goal is to kill as many other players as possible.
  • Team deathmatch: Team deathmatch is a team-based mode where the goal is to kill as many members of the opposing team as possible.
  • Capture the flag: Capture the flag is a mode where the goal is to capture the other team’s flag and return it to your own base.
  • King of the hill: King of the hill is a mode where the goal is to control a central point on the map for as long as possible.


Cortex Command is a unique and challenging strategy game that offers a deep and rewarding gameplay experience. With its destructible terrain, upgradeable units, and simple AI programming, Cortex Command is a game that will appeal to both casual and hardcore strategy fans alike.

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