Creature Shock (1994)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Creature Shock: A Unique and Challenging FPS with FMV Sequences

Released in 1994, Creature Shock is a first-person shooter game with Full Motion Video (FMV) sequences that set it apart from other FPS games of the era. Developed by Gremlin Interactive and published by Psygnosis, Creature Shock was released for DOS and Amiga computers.

The game is set in the year 2047, when the Earth is overpopulated and mankind must find a new home. The spaceship Amazon is sent to investigate Saturn and Jupiter for possible colonization. Near the end of its mission, all contact is lost with the ship except for a distress beacon. The player is part of a team sent to the Amazon’s last known location to find out what happened.

Creature Shock is a first-person shooter with a unique blend of arcade-like action and exploration. The game features a variety of aliens, each with their own unique weak points. The player must use a variety of weapons to defeat the aliens, including guns, grenades, and flamethrowers.

One of the most unique aspects of Creature Shock is its use of FMV sequences. These sequences are used to tell the game’s story and to introduce the player to the different characters. The FMV sequences are well-acted and add a lot of atmosphere to the game.

Creature Shock is a challenging game, but it is also a very rewarding one. The game’s levels are well-designed and the aliens are varied and interesting to fight. The game also features some impressive graphics for its time.


Creature Shock is a first-person shooter with a mix of arcade-style action and exploration. The player controls a member of a team of space marines who are sent to investigate a distress beacon from the spaceship Amazon. The player must fight their way through hordes of aliens in order to reach the Amazon and find out what happened to the crew.

The game features a variety of weapons, including guns, grenades, and flamethrowers. Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the player must use the right weapon for the right situation. The player must also use their environment to their advantage, such as by taking cover behind objects or using explosives to destroy obstacles.

Creature Shock also features some unique gameplay elements, such as the ability to pilot a spaceship and to use a jetpack. The spaceship sections are used to travel between levels, while the jetpack can be used to reach higher ground or to escape from danger.

Graphics and Sound

Creature Shock features impressive graphics for its time. The game’s levels are well-designed and the aliens are varied and detailed. The game also uses a variety of lighting effects to create a sense of atmosphere.

The game’s sound is also top-notch. The sound effects are realistic and the music is atmospheric. The voice acting in the FMV sequences is also well-done.


Creature Shock’s story is told through a series of FMV sequences. The sequences are well-acted and add a lot of atmosphere to the game. The story is engaging and keeps the player guessing until the very end.


Creature Shock is a unique and challenging FPS with FMV sequences that set it apart from other games of its era. The game’s blend of arcade-like action and exploration is well-executed, and the aliens are varied and interesting to fight. The game’s graphics and sound are also top-notch. Overall, Creature Shock is a great choice for fans of classic FPS games.


  • Unique blend of arcade-like action and exploration
  • Variety of aliens with unique weak points
  • Well-designed levels
  • Impressive graphics and sound
  • Engaging story


  • Can be challenging at times
  • Some of the FMV sequences can be cheesy

Review Score



Cover Art


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