Cult of the Wind (2014)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Cult of the Wind (2014)

In an unknown time and place, a cult that worships the wreckage of ancient airplanes gathers to mimic the dogfights of old. With the peak of humanity far behind, their world is a mausoleum to a lush and verdant Art Deco past.

Cult of the Wind is a game about people who pretend to be airplanes. It’s a game about nostalgia, loss, and the human need to find meaning in a meaningless world.

The game’s protagonist is a young woman named Aer who joins the cult after her father is killed in a plane crash. Aer is drawn to the cult’s rituals and the sense of community it offers, but she soon begins to question the cult’s beliefs and practices.

As Aer delves deeper into the cult, she learns that it is not what it seems. The cult’s leaders are not what they seem, and the rituals are not what they seem. Aer begins to realize that the cult is not a place of healing, but a place of darkness and despair.

Aer must now make a choice. She can either stay in the cult and accept its黑暗and despair, or she can leave the cult and try to find her own way in the world.


Cult of the Wind is a 2D platformer with a unique art style and gameplay mechanics. The player controls Aer as she explores the cult’s compound, solves puzzles, and battles enemies.

The game’s platforming is challenging but fair, and the puzzles are clever and engaging. The combat is simple but effective, and the enemies are varied and interesting.

Visuals and Sound

Cult of the Wind’s visuals are stunning, with a unique art style that blends Art Deco with surrealism. The game’s world is full of crumbling buildings, lush vegetation, and strange and wonderful creatures.

The game’s sound design is also excellent, with a haunting and atmospheric soundtrack that perfectly captures the game’s mood.


Cult of the Wind is a game about many things, but at its core it is a game about nostalgia and loss. The game’s world is a world that has lost its way, and the cult’s members are people who are trying to find meaning in a meaningless world.

The game also explores the themes of religion and faith. The cult’s leaders are not what they seem, and the rituals are not what they seem. Aer must decide for herself what she believes, and whether or not she is willing to follow the cult’s teachings.


Cult of the Wind is a thought-provoking and imaginative game that explores themes of nostalgia, loss, religion, and faith. The game’s unique art style, gameplay mechanics, and soundtrack create a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

Cult of the Wind is a must-play for fans of platformers, adventure games, and games with a strong narrative.

Review Score



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