Cyber Police ESWAT (1989)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Cyber Police ESWAT (1989): A Retro Sidescrolling Gem

Released in 1989, Cyber Police ESWAT is a side-scrolling platformer game developed by Technos Japan and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game is set in a futuristic city where the player controls Duke Oda, a rookie member of the Cyber Police force. Duke Oda must battle his way through hordes of criminals and mutants to restore order to the city.

Cyber Police ESWAT is known for its challenging gameplay, detailed graphics, and innovative cyborg transformation mechanic. The game is divided into six levels, each with its own unique boss. Duke Oda starts out as a normal human with a single-shot weapon and can only survive one hit. However, after collecting power-ups, he can transform into the cyborg E.S.W.A.T., which is much stronger and can withstand more damage.

The cyborg transformation mechanic is what sets Cyber Police ESWAT apart from other side-scrolling platformers. As E.S.W.A.T., Duke Oda can use a variety of weapons and abilities, including a powerful laser beam, a homing missile launcher, and a force field. He can also jump higher and run faster than in his human form.

The graphics in Cyber Police ESWAT are impressive for an NES game. The backgrounds are detailed and colorful, and the character sprites are large and well-animated. The game also features some impressive cutscenes that help to tell the story.

The gameplay in Cyber Police ESWAT is challenging but fair. The levels are well-designed and offer a variety of challenges. The bosses are also challenging, but they can be defeated with the right strategy.

Overall, Cyber Police ESWAT is a well-made and enjoyable side-scrolling platformer. The game’s challenging gameplay, detailed graphics, and innovative cyborg transformation mechanic make it a must-play for fans of the genre.


Cyber Police ESWAT is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player controls Duke Oda, a rookie member of the Cyber Police force. The game is divided into six levels, each with its own unique boss. Duke Oda must battle his way through hordes of criminals and mutants to restore order to the city.

The game’s controls are simple and easy to learn. The D-pad is used to move Duke Oda around the screen, and the A button is used to attack. Duke Oda can also jump and crouch by pressing the B button.

Duke Oda starts out as a normal human with a single-shot weapon and can only survive one hit. However, after collecting power-ups, he can transform into the cyborg E.S.W.A.T., which is much stronger and can withstand more damage.

As E.S.W.A.T., Duke Oda can use a variety of weapons and abilities, including a powerful laser beam, a homing missile launcher, and a force field. He can also jump higher and run faster than in his human form.

The levels in Cyber Police ESWAT are well-designed and offer a variety of challenges. The player must use a variety of weapons and abilities to defeat the enemies and bosses. The levels also feature a variety of environmental hazards, such as pits, spikes, and lasers.

The bosses in Cyber Police ESWAT are challenging, but they can be defeated with the right strategy. Each boss has its own unique弱点, and the player must learn how to exploit these弱点 to defeat them.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Cyber Police ESWAT are impressive for an NES game. The backgrounds are detailed and colorful, and the character sprites are large and well-animated. The game also features some impressive cutscenes that help to tell the story.

The sound in Cyber Police ESWAT is also very good. The music is catchy and the sound effects are well-done. The game’s sound design helps to create a sense of atmosphere and immersion.


Cyber Police ESWAT is a well-made and enjoyable side-scrolling platformer. The game’s challenging gameplay, detailed graphics, and innovative cyborg transformation mechanic make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Review Score


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