Devil Daggers (2016)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Devil Daggers: A Retro-Inspired FPS That Will Test Your Skills and Sanity

Released in 2016, Devil Daggers is a fast-paced, arena-based shooter that harkens back to the golden age of first-person shooters and arcade games. Developed by the small indie team Sorath, Devil Daggers has garnered a cult following among hardcore gamers who appreciate its blend of retro aesthetics, intense gameplay, and unforgiving difficulty.


Devil Daggers is a simple game to learn but difficult to master. Players take control of a lone warrior armed with a pair of magic daggers. The objective is to survive as long as possible in an abyssal arena against endless waves of increasingly difficult demons.

The player’s daggers can be used for both melee and ranged attacks. Melee attacks are powerful but require the player to get close to the demons, while ranged attacks are weaker but can be used from a distance. Players must also manage their stamina, as using daggers consumes stamina and leaves them vulnerable to attack.

In addition to the standard demons, players must also contend with environmental hazards such as lava pits and spikes. The arena is also constantly shrinking, forcing players to stay on the move and avoid being trapped.


Devil Daggers is notoriously difficult. The game starts out relatively easy, but the difficulty ramps up quickly as players progress. The demons become more numerous and aggressive, and the environmental hazards become more deadly.

There are no checkpoints in Devil Daggers, so players must start over from the beginning if they die. This can be frustrating, but it also adds to the game’s sense of challenge and accomplishment.

Retro Aesthetics

Devil Daggers’ graphics are intentionally retro, with a low-resolution pixelated art style that evokes the classic FPS games of the 1990s. The game’s soundtrack is also chiptune-based, further adding to the retro atmosphere.

Despite its retro aesthetics, Devil Daggers is not a mere nostalgia trip. The game’s controls are tight and responsive, and the gameplay is fast-paced and exciting. Devil Daggers is a modern classic that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the best FPS games of all time.


Devil Daggers received critical acclaim upon release. Critics praised the game’s intense gameplay, retro aesthetics, and unforgiving difficulty. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies in its first year.

Devil Daggers has been featured in numerous “best of” lists and has won several awards, including the “Best Indie Game” award at the 2016 Game Developers Choice Awards.


Devil Daggers has had a significant impact on the indie game scene. The game’s success has shown that there is still a market for retro-inspired FPS games. Devil Daggers has also inspired other developers to create similar games, such as Strafe and Dusk.

Devil Daggers is a challenging and rewarding game that will appeal to fans of retro FPS games and anyone looking for a truly hardcore gaming experience. If you’re up for the challenge, give Devil Daggers a try. Just be prepared to die… a lot.

Tips for Playing Devil Daggers

  • Use your daggers wisely. Melee attacks are powerful but risky, while ranged attacks are weaker but safer. Use a mix of both types of attacks to maximize your damage output.
  • Manage your stamina carefully. Using daggers consumes stamina, so be sure to pace yourself. If you run out of stamina, you’ll be left vulnerable to attack.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. The arena is constantly shrinking, so be sure to stay on the move and avoid being trapped. Also, watch out for environmental hazards such as lava pits and spikes.
  • Don’t panic. It’s easy to get overwhelmed in Devil Daggers, but panicking will only make things worse. Stay calm and focus on your goal.
  • Practice makes perfect. The best way to get better at Devil Daggers is to practice. Play the game regularly and you’ll start to improve your skills.


Devil Daggers is a retro-inspired FPS that will test your skills and sanity. The game is challenging but fair, and it offers a truly rewarding experience for those who are able to master it. If you’re looking for a game that will push you to your limits, then Devil Daggers is the game for you.

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