Door Kickers (2014)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Door Kickers (2014): The Ultimate SWAT Team Command Simulator


Door Kickers is an innovative real-time tactics game that puts you in charge of a SWAT team. With the goal of becoming the ultimate SWAT team command simulator, Door Kickers challenges players to analyze situations, plan team routes, choose equipment and breach points, and coordinate multiple troopers to reach hostage rooms before the bad guys can pull the trigger.

While the game may sound daunting, and like real-world CQB combat, it sure is, most levels can be completed in minutes and on-the-fly improvisation works. However, achieving the perfect plan and executing the mission with no missteps is a skill that is much harder to master.


Door Kickers is played from a top-down perspective. The player controls a team of up to six SWAT officers, each with their own unique skills and abilities. The player must use these officers to clear rooms of enemies, rescue hostages, and complete other objectives.

The game features a variety of different missions, each with its own unique challenges. Some missions require the player to stealthily infiltrate a building, while others require them to go in guns blazing. The player must carefully plan their approach to each mission, taking into account the number and type of enemies, the layout of the building, and the hostages’ locations.

Once the player has planned their approach, they can begin executing it. The player can control each of their officers individually, or they can use the game’s AI to control them. The player can also use a variety of different commands to order their officers to move, attack, or use special abilities.


Door Kickers features a number of unique features that set it apart from other real-time tactics games. These features include:

  • Realistic CQB combat: Door Kickers uses a realistic CQB combat system that simulates the challenges of close-quarters combat. The game takes into account factors such as bullet penetration, ricochets, and friendly fire.
  • Planning phase: Before each mission, the player can enter a planning phase where they can plan their approach. The player can use this phase to select their officers, choose their equipment, and plan their routes.
  • Multiple difficulty levels: Door Kickers features multiple difficulty levels to challenge players of all skill levels. The game also features a variety of different game modes, including a campaign mode, a survival mode, and a challenge mode.
  • Mod support: Door Kickers features mod support, which allows players to create their own custom content. The game’s modding community has created a wide variety of mods, including new missions, new weapons, and new game modes.

Critical Reception

Door Kickers received critical acclaim upon release. The game was praised for its realistic CQB combat, its challenging gameplay, and its mod support. Door Kickers was nominated for several awards, including the Golden Joystick Award for Best Indie Game.


Door Kickers is an excellent real-time tactics game that offers a unique and challenging experience. The game’s realistic CQB combat, its planning phase, and its multiple difficulty levels make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Tips for Playing Door Kickers

Here are a few tips for playing Door Kickers:

  • Plan carefully: The planning phase is essential for success in Door Kickers. Take your time to plan your approach, taking into account the number and type of enemies, the layout of the building, and the hostages’ locations.
  • Use cover: Cover is your friend in Door Kickers. Use it to protect your officers from enemy fire.
  • Coordinate your team: Door Kickers is a team game. Coordinate your officers to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: There is no one right way to play Door Kickers. Experiment with different strategies and tactics to find what works best for you.

Additional Information

  • Developer: KillHouse Games
  • Publisher: KillHouse Games
  • Release Date: March 20, 2014
  • Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux
  • Genre: Real-time tactics
  • ESRB Rating: M for Mature

Review Score



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