Double Switch (1993)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Double Switch (1993): A Hidden Gem Among FMV Games

Double Switch is a “trap-’em-up” game released in 1993 for the Sega CD. It is very similar to Night Trap in gameplay and visual presentation. The player has to manipulate cameras to avoid or set traps, affecting the course of the storyline which is represented by live action movie sequences.

The game was developed by Digital Pictures, a company founded by former Disney animators. Double Switch was one of the first games to use full-motion video (FMV), and it is considered to be one of the best examples of the genre.

The game’s story is set in a high-security prison. The player takes on the role of a security guard who must protect the prison from a group of escaped convicts. The convicts are armed and dangerous, and they will stop at nothing to escape.

The player must use a variety of traps to stop the convicts. These traps include electric fences, laser beams, and even a giant fan. The player must also use the security cameras to keep an eye on the convicts and to track their movements.

Double Switch is a challenging and suspenseful game. The player must be constantly on the lookout for the convicts, and they must be quick to react to their movements. The game also has a number of different endings, depending on the player’s choices.


Double Switch is played from a first-person perspective. The player controls the security guard using the D-pad and buttons. The player can move the guard around the prison, and they can also use the cameras to view different areas of the prison.

The player must use the traps to stop the convicts from escaping. The traps are activated by pressing the A button. The player can also use the B button to toggle between different camera views.

The game is divided into a number of levels. Each level has a different objective, such as preventing the convicts from reaching a certain area of the prison or capturing a specific convict.


The story of Double Switch is told through a series of live action movie sequences. The movie sequences are interspersed with gameplay sequences. The movie sequences feature a cast of professional actors, and they help to create a sense of suspense and immersion.

The story of Double Switch is well-written and engaging. The player is quickly drawn into the game’s world and they will find themselves rooting for the security guard to succeed in his mission.

Graphics and Sound

Double Switch was one of the first games to use full-motion video (FMV). The FMV sequences are of high quality, and they help to create a realistic and immersive experience. The game’s graphics are also impressive, and they create a dark and gritty atmosphere.

The game’s sound is also excellent. The music is suspenseful and atmospheric, and the sound effects are realistic and immersive.


Double Switch was released to critical acclaim. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, its suspenseful story, and its impressive graphics and sound. Double Switch was also a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.


Double Switch is considered to be one of the best FMV games ever made. The game’s innovative gameplay and suspenseful story have made it a cult classic among gamers. Double Switch has also inspired a number of other games, including Night Trap and The 7th Guest.


Double Switch is a hidden gem among FMV games. It is a challenging and suspenseful game with a great story and innovative gameplay. If you are a fan of FMV games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Double Switch.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Double Switch

  1. Double Switch was originally called “Night Watch.”
  2. The game’s development was troubled, and it was delayed several times.
  3. Double Switch was one of the first games to use motion capture technology.
  4. The game’s cast includes a number of well-known actors, including Corey Haim and Kristy Swanson.
  5. Double Switch was banned in Australia due to its violence.
  6. The game was a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.
  7. Double Switch has been praised for its innovative gameplay and suspenseful story.
  8. The game has inspired a number of other games, including Night Trap and The 7th Guest.
  9. Double Switch is considered to be one of the best FMV games ever made.
  10. The game is still enjoyed by a cult following of fans today.

Review Score


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