Dragon Fighter (1991)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Dragon Fighter: A Side-Scrolling Action Classic

Released in 1991, Dragon Fighter is a side-scrolling action game developed by Technōs Japan and published by Taito. The player takes control of a magical human fighter who has the ability to transform himself into a flying dragon. The game is known for its fast-paced gameplay, challenging difficulty, and impressive graphics for its time.


The player controls the protagonist, a magical fighter, who can run, crouch, jump, and attack with his sword. He can also shoot a projectile attack by holding down the attack button. The player’s main objective is to defeat all of the enemies in each stage and reach the end-of-level boss.

One of the unique features of Dragon Fighter is the ability to transform into a dragon. To do this, the player must fill up the “metamorphosis gauge” by defeating enemies. Once the gauge is full, the player can transform into the dragon by pressing up and the attack button after jumping.

As a dragon, the player can fly in any of the eight directions and breathe fire at enemies. However, the dragon’s metamorphosis gauge will gradually drain while it is active. If the gauge empties completely, the player will transform back into a fighter.


There are a variety of power-ups that can be collected in Dragon Fighter. These power-ups include:

  • Energy restoring potions: These potions restore the player’s health.
  • Flower: This power-up helps to fill the metamorphosis gauge faster.
  • Ring: This power-up destroys all on-screen enemies.
  • Staff: This power-up increases the player’s maximum health.


There are six stages in all, each with their own unique enemies and boss. The stages are:

  • Forest: The first stage is a forest filled with trees, mushrooms, and other obstacles. The boss of this stage is a giant spider.
  • Cave: The second stage is a cave filled with bats, snakes, and other creatures. The boss of this stage is a giant bat.
  • Desert: The third stage is a desert filled with cacti, scorpions, and other hazards. The boss of this stage is a giant scorpion.
  • Mountain: The fourth stage is a mountain filled with snow, ice, and other slippery surfaces. The boss of this stage is a giant snowman.
  • Castle: The fifth stage is a castle filled with knights, archers, and other enemies. The boss of this stage is a giant knight.
  • Throne Room: The sixth and final stage is the throne room of the evil dragon king. The boss of this stage is the dragon king himself.


Dragon Fighter is a challenging game, even for experienced players. The enemies are tough, the stages are long, and the bosses are powerful. However, the game is also fair, and it is possible to beat it with practice and perseverance.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, Dragon Fighter had impressive graphics and sound. The character sprites are large and detailed, and the backgrounds are colorful and varied. The music is also catchy and memorable.


Dragon Fighter is a classic side-scrolling action game that is still fun to play today. It is a challenging game, but it is also fair and rewarding. The graphics and sound are impressive for their time, and the gameplay is fast-paced and exciting. If you are a fan of side-scrolling action games, then you should definitely check out Dragon Fighter.

Tips for Playing Dragon Fighter

Here are a few tips for playing Dragon Fighter:

  • Use your sword to attack enemies up close and your projectile attack to attack enemies from afar.
  • Fill up your metamorphosis gauge as quickly as possible so that you can transform into the dragon.
  • Use the dragon’s fire breath to attack enemies from a distance.
  • Be careful not to let the dragon’s metamorphosis gauge empty completely, or you will transform back into a fighter.
  • Collect power-ups to help you defeat your enemies.
  • Practice makes perfect! The more you play Dragon Fighter, the better you will become at it.

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