Drake of the 99 Dragons (2003)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Drake of the 99 Dragons: A Post-Mortem of a Gaming Debacle


In the annals of video game history, there are countless tales of triumphs and disasters. Some games ascend to the heights of critical acclaim and commercial success, while others sink into the abyss of obscurity and derision. Drake of the 99 Dragons, released in 2003 for the Xbox and Windows PC, undoubtedly belongs in the latter category. This ill-fated title has garnered a reputation as one of the worst games ever made, a cautionary tale of rushed development, broken promises, and shattered dreams.

The Premise

Drake of the 99 Dragons, also known simply as Drake, unfolds in a dystopian cyberpunk setting. The protagonist, Drake, is an undead assassin who embarks on a quest to avenge his murdered clan, the 99 Dragons. His mission is to recover the ancient “Soul Portal Artifact” from the clutches of the nefarious Tang, a power-hungry warlord who intends to use it to harvest the souls of the dead and fuel his undead cyborg army.

Development and Release

Drake of the 99 Dragons was developed by Idol FX, a relatively unknown studio at the time. The game’s concept was ambitious, aiming to create a cel-shaded third-person shooter with a compelling story and a unique blend of action and stealth gameplay. Idol FX envisioned Drake as the launchpad for a multimedia franchise, encompassing comics, an animated television series, and even a potential film adaptation.

However, the studio’s lofty aspirations were severely hampered by a restrictive development cycle. Idol FX was given a mere six months to complete the game, leaving little room for play-testing and refinement. As a result, Drake of the 99 Dragons was released in an unfinished and buggy state, plagued by numerous glitches, awkward controls, and repetitive gameplay.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Upon its release, Drake of the 99 Dragons was met with a barrage of negative reviews from critics. The game’s technical shortcomings were impossible to ignore, with reviewers lamenting its unresponsive controls, poor AI, and frequent crashes. The story and characters were also criticized for being shallow and unengaging.

Drake of the 99 Dragons quickly became a laughingstock in the gaming community, earning a reputation as one of the worst games ever made. It was featured in numerous “worst of” lists and became a cautionary tale about the dangers of rushing game development.

Post-Mortem Analysis

In the years since its disastrous release, Drake of the 99 Dragons has been subject to much scrutiny and analysis. Many factors have been cited as contributing to its failure, including:

  • Rushed Development: The six-month development cycle was simply not enough time to create a polished and refined game.
  • Inexperienced Studio: Idol FX lacked the experience and resources to handle such an ambitious project.
  • Publisher Pressure: Majesco Entertainment, the game’s publisher, reportedly pressured Idol FX to release the game before it was ready.
  • Broken Promises: The multimedia franchise plans never came to fruition, leaving fans disappointed.


Drake of the 99 Dragons stands as a cautionary tale in the annals of video game history. It is a reminder of the importance of proper development time, experienced developers, and realistic expectations. While the game’s legacy is one of failure, it also serves as a valuable lesson for aspiring game creators and publishers alike.

Additional Notes

  • Drake of the 99 Dragons was originally intended to be a launch title for the Xbox, but it was delayed due to development issues.
  • The game’s cel-shaded graphics were considered innovative at the time, but they were also criticized for being too simplistic and lacking in detail.
  • Despite its negative reception, Drake of the 99 Dragons has gained a cult following among some gamers who appreciate its campy charm and unintentional humor.
  • The game’s soundtrack, composed by Cris Velasco, has been praised for its atmospheric and haunting melodies.

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