Epigenesis (2013)

by Christopher
7 minutes read


Epigenesis: A Unique and Thrilling Multiplayer Sports FPS

Epigenesis is an online multiplayer sports/FPS game that takes place in a futuristic setting where two sides are locked in a never-ending fight for world domination. The game is played with a ball, and the objective is to score goals against the opposing team. However, Epigenesis is not your average ballgame. Players leap across platforms suspended high up in the air, using gravity cannons to push enemies (and friends) around as they try to get the ball and score.


Epigenesis is a fast-paced and action-packed game that requires both skill and strategy. Players must be able to move quickly and accurately, and they must also be able to think on their feet and adapt to the ever-changing battlefield.

The game is played on a variety of maps, each with its own unique layout and challenges. Players can choose from a variety of characters, each with their own unique abilities and weapons.


There are six different characters to choose from in Epigenesis:

  • Assault: The Assault class is a well-rounded class that is good for both offense and defense. They are equipped with a plasma rifle and a gravity cannon.
  • Breacher: The Breacher class is a heavy weapons specialist. They are equipped with a shotgun and a rocket launcher.
  • Engineer: The Engineer class is a support class that can build and repair objects. They are equipped with a repair tool and a plasma cutter.
  • Medic: The Medic class is a support class that can heal and revive teammates. They are equipped with a medi-gun and a defibrillator.
  • Recon: The Recon class is a stealth class that can cloak and use a sniper rifle. They are equipped with a sniper rifle and a cloak generator.
  • Support: The Support class is a support class that can provide火力支援for teammates. They are equipped with a machine gun and a mortar.


There are a variety of weapons to choose from in Epigenesis, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

  • Plasma rifle: The plasma rifle is a versatile weapon that is good for both close-quarters and long-range combat.
  • Shotgun: The shotgun is a powerful weapon that is good for close-quarters combat.
  • Rocket launcher: The rocket launcher is a powerful explosive weapon that is good for taking out groups of enemies.
  • Repair tool: The repair tool can be used to repair damaged objects, such as generators and turrets.
  • Plasma cutter: The plasma cutter can be used to cut through metal objects, such as fences and doors.
  • Medi-gun: The medi-gun can be used to heal and revive teammates.
  • Defibrillator: The defibrillator can be used to revive teammates who have been killed.
  • Sniper rifle: The sniper rifle is a powerful weapon that is good for long-range combat.
  • Cloak generator: The cloak generator can be used to make the player invisible.
  • Machine gun: The machine gun is a powerful weapon that is good for火力支援.
  • Mortar: The mortar is a powerful explosive weapon that is good for taking out groups of enemies.


There are a variety of maps to play on in Epigenesis, each with its own unique layout and challenges.

  • The Pit: The Pit is a large, open map with multiple levels.
  • The Factory: The Factory is a medium-sized map with a lot of cover and obstacles.
  • The Docks: The Docks is a small, close-quarters map with a lot of water.
  • The Temple: The Temple is a large, symmetrical map with a lot of open space.
  • The Proving Grounds: The Proving Grounds is a small, symmetrical map with a lot of cover and obstacles.

Game Modes

There are three different game modes to play in Epigenesis:

  • Team Deathmatch: Team Deathmatch is a classic game mode where two teams compete to kill each other. The team with the most kills at the end of the match wins.
  • Capture the Flag: Capture the Flag is a game mode where two teams compete to capture the other team’s flag and bring it back to their own base. The team that captures the other team’s flag the most times wins the match.
  • King of the Hill: King of the Hill is a game mode where two teams compete to control a single point on the map. The team that controls the point for the longest amount of time wins the match.


Epigenesis is a unique and thrilling multiplayer sports FPS that is sure to provide hours of entertainment. With its fast-paced gameplay, variety of characters, weapons, and maps, Epigenesis is a game that has something to offer everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned FPS veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Epigenesis is a game that you should definitely check out.

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