Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land (1991)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land (1991)

Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land is an unlicensed NES game developed and published by Wisdom Tree in 1991. The game is based on the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. Players control Moses as he travels through the desert, avoiding enemies and collecting manna and question marks. To complete each level, Moses must acquire five question marks and a certain amount of manna. After completing a level, the player must answer five Bible-related questions before advancing to the next level.

Exodus is a simple but challenging game. The gameplay is repetitive, but the Bible trivia questions add a unique twist. The game’s graphics are simple, but they are effective in conveying the game’s setting. The music is also simple, but it is catchy and adds to the game’s atmosphere.

Exodus is a fun and educational game that is sure to appeal to fans of Bible games and NES games. The game’s simple gameplay and challenging trivia questions make it a great choice for players of all ages.


Exodus is a side-scrolling platformer. Players control Moses as he walks, jumps, and shoots glowing “W’s” to defeat enemies and remove obstacles. Moses can also collect manna, which restores his health, and question marks, which are needed to complete each level.

To complete a level, Moses must acquire five question marks and a certain amount of manna. The question marks are scattered throughout the level, and the manna is collected by defeating enemies. Once Moses has collected all of the required items, he must find the exit to the level.

After completing a level, the player must answer five Bible-related questions before advancing to the next level. The questions are multiple choice, and the player has three chances to answer each question correctly. If the player answers all five questions correctly, they will advance to the next level. If the player answers three or more questions incorrectly, they will be sent back to the beginning of the current level.


Exodus was developed by Wisdom Tree, a Christian video game company. The game was released in 1991 for the NES. Exodus is one of several unlicensed NES games that Wisdom Tree released in the early 1990s. Other Wisdom Tree NES games include Bible Adventures, Sunday Funday, and Super Sunday.

Exodus is a rehashed version of a Color Dreams game called Crystal Mines. Color Dreams was another Christian video game company that released unlicensed NES games in the early 1990s. Wisdom Tree purchased the rights to several Color Dreams games and released them under their own label.


Exodus received mixed reviews upon release. Some critics praised the game’s educational value, while others criticized its repetitive gameplay and simple graphics. However, the game was a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies.

Exodus is still played by some gamers today. The game is available on emulation websites and can also be purchased on eBay and other online auction sites.


Exodus is one of the most well-known unlicensed NES games. The game is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of Christian video game developers. Exodus is also a reminder of the importance of religious freedom in the United States.


Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land is a fun and educational game that is sure to appeal to fans of Bible games and NES games. The game’s simple gameplay and challenging trivia questions make it a great choice for players of all ages.

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