Expand (2015)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Expand: A Journey Through the Labyrinth of the Mind


Expand (2015) is a meditative video game that invites players on a journey through a circular labyrinth that constantly twists, stretches, and expands beneath their feet. Developed by Chris Johnson, Expand is a mesmerizing and thought-provoking experience that explores the themes of perception, infinity, and the nature of reality.


Expand’s gameplay is deceptively simple. Players control a small, glowing orb as it navigates the ever-changing labyrinth. The orb can move forward, backward, and jump, but it cannot turn around. The labyrinth itself is a constantly shifting landscape, with walls, floors, and ceilings appearing and disappearing, and the horizon stretching and contracting.

As players progress through the labyrinth, they will encounter a variety of obstacles, including narrow passages, moving platforms, and disappearing blocks. These obstacles require players to be adaptable and to think creatively in order to overcome them.

Visuals and Sound

Expand’s visuals are as mesmerizing as its gameplay. The game’s world is rendered in a vibrant and dreamlike palette, with soft colors and flowing lines. The labyrinth is constantly changing, but it always retains a sense of symmetry and order.

The game’s soundtrack is equally ethereal, with ambient soundscapes and gentle melodies that create a sense of tranquility and immersion. The music adapts to the player’s progress through the labyrinth, becoming more intense during challenging sections and more serene during moments of respite.


While Expand is a minimalist game in terms of its gameplay and visuals, it is rich in its themes. The game explores the nature of perception, as players must constantly adapt to the changing labyrinth. It also explores the concept of infinity, as the labyrinth seems to stretch on forever.

Finally, Expand invites players to reflect on the nature of reality. The labyrinth is a constantly shifting landscape, and it is up to the player to decide what is real and what is not.

Critical Reception

Expand received critical acclaim upon its release, with many reviewers praising its innovative gameplay, beautiful visuals, and thought-provoking themes. The game was nominated for several awards, including the Independent Games Festival Award for Excellence in Visual Art.


Expand has been praised as a groundbreaking game that pushed the boundaries of the video game medium. The game’s unique gameplay and visuals have inspired other developers to create similar games, and its themes have resonated with players around the world.

Expand is a reminder that video games can be more than just entertainment. They can also be works of art that challenge our perceptions and invite us to reflect on the nature of reality.

Tips for Playing Expand

  • Be patient and take your time. Expand is a game that rewards exploration and experimentation.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. The labyrinth is constantly changing, and there is no one right way to navigate it.
  • Pay attention to the music and visuals. The game’s soundtrack and visuals provide clues about the labyrinth’s structure and the player’s progress.
  • Trust your instincts. The labyrinth is a reflection of the player’s own mind, and the best way to navigate it is to follow your own intuition.


Expand is a unique and unforgettable experience that will stay with players long after they finish playing it. The game’s innovative gameplay, beautiful visuals, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-play for anyone interested in exploring the boundaries of the video game medium.

Review Score



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