Fable (2004)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Fable: A Journey of Morality and Consequence

Released in 2004, Fable is an action role-playing game that captivated players with its innovative morality system and engrossing storyline. Set in the vibrant fantasy world of Albion, Fable invites players to embark on an epic journey where their choices shape their character’s destiny, from childhood to old age.

A Living, Breathing World

Albion is a dynamic and immersive world that responds to the player’s actions. As you explore its lush forests, ancient ruins, and bustling towns, you’ll encounter a cast of memorable characters who react to your decisions. From the humble villagers who gossip about your exploits to the powerful heroes and villains who seek your allegiance, every interaction shapes the narrative.

The Morality System: Good vs. Evil

Fable’s morality system is its defining feature. Every action you take, from helping others to committing heinous crimes, influences your character’s alignment. Good deeds earn you experience points towards the “good” path, while evil actions progress you towards the “evil” path.

Your alignment is reflected in your character’s appearance and abilities. Good characters develop a radiant aura, while evil characters grow horns and become physically deformed. As you progress along either path, you’ll unlock unique skills and spells that reflect your moral choices.

The Path You Forge

The beauty of Fable lies in the freedom it gives players to forge their own path. You can choose to be a noble hero, a ruthless villain, or anything in between. Your decisions affect not only your character’s development but also the world around you.

If you embrace the path of righteousness, you’ll be hailed as a savior by the people of Albion. Your good deeds will heal the land, strengthen the economy, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. However, if you succumb to the lure of evil, Albion will suffer under your tyranny. The land will become barren, the people will live in fear, and your name will be forever cursed.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

Fable is more than just a game about good and evil. It’s a journey of self-discovery, where players are forced to confront the consequences of their actions. As your character ages, you’ll witness the impact of your choices on their physical appearance, their relationships, and the world itself.

Through the eyes of your character, you’ll learn valuable lessons about morality, empathy, and the power of redemption. Fable challenges players to question their own values and consider the long-term effects of their decisions.

Critical Acclaim and Legacy

Upon its release, Fable received widespread critical acclaim for its innovative gameplay, engrossing story, and stunning visuals. It was praised for its unique morality system, which allowed players to experience the consequences of their choices in a meaningful way.

Fable has sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide and has spawned several sequels and spin-offs. It remains a beloved classic among RPG fans and is considered one of the most influential games of its generation.


Fable is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate players with its unique blend of action, adventure, and moral exploration. Whether you choose to embrace the path of good or evil, or forge your own unique destiny, Fable offers an unforgettable journey that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

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