Final Fantasy XIV Online (2010)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Final Fantasy XIV Online (2010): A Postmortem of a Failed Launch


Final Fantasy XIV Online (FFXIV) was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 3. It was the second MMORPG in the Final Fantasy series, and was released on September 30, 2010. The game was a critical and commercial failure, and was shut down in 2012.


FFXIV began development in 2005 under the codename “Rapture”. The game was originally intended to be released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but the Xbox 360 version was canceled due to disagreements with Microsoft over the use of Xbox Live.

The game’s development was beset by problems from the start. The team was inexperienced in developing MMORPGs, and the game’s engine was not suited for the task. The game was also plagued by bugs and glitches.


FFXIV was released on September 30, 2010, to overwhelmingly negative reviews. Critics panned the game’s graphics, gameplay, and user interface. The game was also criticized for being unfinished at launch.


Square Enix pulled the plug on FFXIV in November 2012, just two years after its release. The game had failed to meet Square Enix’s expectations, both critically and commercially.


FFXIV’s failure had a significant impact on the Final Fantasy series. The game’s poor reception damaged the brand’s reputation, and led to a loss of trust in Square Enix.

What Went Wrong?

There were many factors that contributed to FFXIV’s failure. Some of the most significant factors included:

  • Inexperienced development team: The team that developed FFXIV had little experience in developing MMORPGs. This led to a number of mistakes, including the choice of an unsuitable game engine.
  • Buggy and unfinished at launch: FFXIV was released in a very buggy and unfinished state. This made the game unplayable for many players, and led to widespread negative reviews.
  • Poor marketing: Square Enix did a poor job of marketing FFXIV. The game’s marketing campaign was confusing and misleading, and failed to generate excitement for the game.
  • Competition from other MMORPGs: FFXIV was released at a time when the MMORPG market was already saturated with well-established games such as World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2. FFXIV failed to stand out from the competition, and was quickly forgotten by most players.


FFXIV is a cautionary tale about the dangers of releasing a game that is not ready for prime time. The game’s failure was due to a number of factors, including an inexperienced development team, a buggy and unfinished launch, poor marketing, and competition from other MMORPGs.

Lessons Learned

Square Enix learned a number of valuable lessons from the failure of FFXIV. These lessons include:

  • The importance of having an experienced development team: MMORPGs are complex games to develop, and it is important to have a team that has experience in developing this type of game.
  • The importance of releasing a polished game: Players are more likely to be forgiving of minor bugs, but they will not tolerate a game that is buggy and unfinished at launch.
  • The importance of marketing: A well-executed marketing campaign can generate excitement for a game and help to attract players.
  • The importance of standing out from the competition: In a crowded market, it is important to find a way to make your game stand out from the competition.

Square Enix has applied these lessons to the development of subsequent Final Fantasy games, and the series has since regained its former glory.

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