Ghost Song (2022)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Ghost Song (2022): A Haunting and Atmospheric Metroidvania


Ghost Song is a 2D Metroidvania set on the desolate moon of Lorian V. Players take control of a long-dormant Deadsuit, a powerful exoskeleton that awakens from slumber with no memory of its past. As they journey beneath the surface of Lorian V, players will explore winding caverns, acquire new abilities, and uncover the long-buried secrets of this alien world.


Ghost Song is a classic Metroidvania, with a focus on exploration and combat. Players will traverse a vast interconnected world, using their abilities to overcome obstacles and progress through the game. The game’s combat is challenging but fair, and players will need to master a variety of weapons and abilities to defeat their enemies.

One of the most unique aspects of Ghost Song is its Deadsuit system. The Deadsuit can be customized with a variety of weapons and abilities, allowing players to tailor their playstyle to their liking. Players can also upgrade the Deadsuit’s stats and abilities, making it more powerful and versatile.

Setting and Atmosphere

Ghost Song is set on the desolate moon of Lorian V, a world that is both beautiful and deadly. The game’s pixel art is gorgeous, and the world of Lorian V is brought to life with stunning detail. The game’s soundtrack is also excellent, and it perfectly captures the haunting and atmospheric tone of the game.


Ghost Song has a deep and engaging story that unfolds as players explore the world of Lorian V. Players will learn about the history of the moon, the people who once lived there, and the cosmic horrors that lurk beneath the surface. The game’s story is told through a combination of dialogue, environmental storytelling, and cutscenes.


Ghost Song features a cast of memorable characters, each with their own unique motivations and backstories. Players will meet survivors, scavengers, and other Deadsuits as they explore the world of Lorian V. These characters will help players to learn more about the moon’s history and the cosmic horrors that threaten it.


Ghost Song is a beautiful, haunting, and atmospheric Metroidvania that is sure to please fans of the genre. The game’s challenging combat, deep story, and stunning visuals make it a must-play for any fan of 2D action-adventure games.

Review Score



  • Gorgeous pixel art
  • Haunting and atmospheric soundtrack
  • Deep and engaging story
  • Challenging but fair combat
  • Customizable Deadsuit system


  • Some minor technical issues
  • Can be difficult at times


Ghost Song is a highly recommended Metroidvania for fans of the genre. The game’s beautiful visuals, haunting atmosphere, and deep story make it a must-play for any fan of 2D action-adventure games.

Review Score



Cover Art


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