Hat Trick (1984)

by Nish
4 minutes read


Hat Trick (1984): A Nostalgic Trip to the Ice Rink

Released in 1984 by Bally Sente, Hat Trick is an arcade ice hockey game that takes players back to the golden age of gaming. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, overhead rink perspective, and iconic ice resurfacer, Hat Trick has become a beloved classic among retro gaming enthusiasts.

Gameplay: Two-on-Two Hockey Action

Hat Trick features a two-on-two version of ice hockey, with players controlling both skaters and the goaltender simultaneously. The joystick controls the movement of both skaters, with up and down movements also controlling the goaltender’s position across the goal line.

The objective of the game is to score goals by shooting the puck into the opposing team’s net. Goals are scored each time a player successfully shoots the puck across the opposing goal line. The number of saves are also displayed on the scoreboard, solely for reference.

The game is played in two-minute periods, and the player with the most goals at the end of the period wins. If the scores are tied after the clock has run down, a maximum of twenty seconds of overtime is played until one player scores to be declared the winner.

Unique Features: Overhead View and Ice Resurfacer

One of the most distinctive features of Hat Trick is its overhead view of the rink. This perspective gives players a clear view of the entire playing field, making it easy to anticipate the opponent’s moves and plan their own strategy.

Another unique feature of Hat Trick is the ice resurfacer that appears after each game. This Zamboni-like machine drives around the rink, smoothing out the ice and preparing it for the next game. The ice resurfacer adds a touch of realism to the game and helps to create a more immersive experience.

Legacy: A Classic of the Arcade Era

Hat Trick was a critical and commercial success upon its release in 1984. It was praised for its fast-paced gameplay, simple yet addictive controls, and innovative overhead perspective. Hat Trick quickly became a staple of arcades around the world and remains a popular choice for retro gaming enthusiasts today.

The game has been ported to a number of home platforms over the years, including the Commodore 64, Atari 2600, and Nintendo Entertainment System. However, the arcade version of Hat Trick is still considered the definitive experience.

Conclusion: A Timeless Classic

Hat Trick (1984) is a timeless classic of the arcade era. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, overhead rink perspective, and iconic ice resurfacer have made it a beloved favorite among retro gaming enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to classic arcade games, Hat Trick is a must-play experience that will provide hours of nostalgic fun.

Review Score


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