Hatfall (2015)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Hatfall (2015) Review

Hatfall is a point-and-click simulation game developed by Yahtzee with assistance from AddictingGames. It is called the “official Zero Punctuation hat-putting-on simulator”. The game was released on October 2, 2015, for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux.

The game’s objective is to put on a hat. The player controls a character who is standing in a room with a hat on a table. The player can click on the hat to pick it up, and then click on the character’s head to put it on. The game ends when the character successfully puts on the hat.

Hatfall is a very simple game, but it is also very addictive. The challenge of trying to put on the hat without making a mistake is surprisingly difficult, and the game’s physics engine makes for some hilarious moments.

The game’s graphics are simple, but they are effective. The character and the hat are both well-rendered, and the game’s environment is simple but detailed. The game’s sound effects are also well-done, and they add to the game’s atmosphere.

Hatfall’s soundtrack is composed of a single track that loops throughout the game. The track is a simple piano melody, but it is catchy and it fits the game’s atmosphere well.

The game’s controls are simple and easy to learn. The player uses the mouse to control the character and to interact with the environment. The game’s menus are also simple and easy to navigate.

Hatfall’s replayability value is low. The game is very short, and there is no real incentive to replay it once you have completed it. However, the game’s challenge and humor make it worth playing at least once.

Overall, Hatfall is a fun and addictive game. The game’s simple gameplay and physics engine make for some hilarious moments, and the game’s challenge is surprisingly difficult. Hatfall is a great game for anyone who is looking for a quick and easy way to kill some time.


The gameplay of Hatfall is very simple. The player controls a character who is standing in a room with a hat on a table. The player can click on the hat to pick it up, and then click on the character’s head to put it on. The game ends when the character successfully puts on the hat.

The game’s physics engine makes the gameplay more challenging than it seems. The hat is not always easy to pick up, and it can be difficult to put it on the character’s head without making a mistake. The game’s physics engine also makes for some hilarious moments, such as when the hat falls off the character’s head and lands on the floor.


The graphics of Hatfall are simple, but they are effective. The character and the hat are both well-rendered, and the game’s environment is simple but detailed. The game’s graphics are not particularly impressive, but they are good enough for the game’s simple gameplay.


The game’s sound effects are well-done, and they add to the game’s atmosphere. The sound of the hat falling off the character’s head is particularly funny. The game’s soundtrack is composed of a single track that loops throughout the game. The track is a simple piano melody, but it is catchy and it fits the game’s atmosphere well.


The game’s controls are simple and easy to learn. The player uses the mouse to control the character and to interact with the environment. The game’s menus are also simple and easy to navigate. The game’s controls are not particularly innovative, but they are effective and they work well for the game’s simple gameplay.


Hatfall’s replayability value is low. The game is very short, and there is no real incentive to replay it once you have completed it. However, the game’s challenge and humor make it worth playing at least once.


Overall, Hatfall is a fun and addictive game. The game’s simple gameplay and physics engine make for some hilarious moments, and the game’s challenge is surprisingly difficult. Hatfall is a great game for anyone who is looking for a quick and easy way to kill some time.



Review Score



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