Hello Neighbor (2017)

by Ji-yeong
7 minutes read


Hello Neighbor: A Stealth Horror Masterpiece

Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game developed by tinyBuild and Dynamic Pixels. It was released in 2017 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The game has since been ported to Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

In Hello Neighbor, you play as Nicky Roth, a young boy who is trying to uncover the dark secrets of his neighbor, Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson is a mysterious and intimidating figure, and Nicky quickly learns that he is hiding something sinister in his basement.

To uncover Mr. Peterson’s secrets, Nicky must sneak into his house and avoid being caught. The game features a variety of stealth mechanics, such as hiding in closets, crawling through vents, and distracting Mr. Peterson with objects.

Mr. Peterson is a formidable opponent, and he will do everything in his power to stop Nicky from uncovering his secrets. He will set traps, chase Nicky through the house, and even call the police if he catches him.

Nicky must use his wits and stealth skills to outsmart Mr. Peterson and uncover the truth about his neighbor. The game features a variety of puzzles and challenges, and players must use their creativity to find ways to progress.

The AI of Hello Neighbor

One of the most impressive things about Hello Neighbor is its AI. Mr. Peterson is a truly dynamic and unpredictable opponent, and he will adapt his behavior based on Nicky’s actions.

For example, if Nicky keeps trying to sneak through the front door, Mr. Peterson will eventually start setting traps there. If Nicky keeps hiding in closets, Mr. Peterson will start checking closets more often.

This makes the game incredibly challenging, as players must constantly be on their toes and adapt their strategies. The AI also makes the game more immersive, as it feels like you are actually being stalked by a real person.

The Atmosphere of Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor has a truly creepy and unsettling atmosphere. The game’s graphics are dark and muted, and the sound design is full of eerie noises and whispers.

The game’s setting is also very effective. Mr. Peterson’s house is a large and labyrinthine structure, and it is easy to get lost and disoriented. The house is also full of strange and disturbing objects, such as dolls with missing eyes and paintings of诡异生物.

All of these elements combine to create a truly immersive and unsettling experience. Hello Neighbor is a game that will stay with you long after you finish playing it.

The Legacy of Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor was a critical and commercial success. The game has sold over 10 million copies worldwide, and it has spawned a number of sequels and spin-offs.

The game has also been praised for its innovative AI and its creepy atmosphere. Hello Neighbor is a truly unique and unforgettable experience, and it is a must-play for fans of stealth horror games.

Tips for Playing Hello Neighbor

Here are a few tips for playing Hello Neighbor:

  • Be patient. Hello Neighbor is a challenging game, and it takes time to learn the mechanics and figure out how to outsmart Mr. Peterson.
  • Be stealthy. Mr. Peterson is a very observant opponent, so you need to be careful not to make any noise or attract his attention.
  • Use the environment to your advantage. There are a lot of objects in Hello Neighbor that can be used to distract Mr. Peterson or help you hide from him.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to play Hello Neighbor. Try different strategies and see what works best for you.


Hello Neighbor is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The game’s innovative AI, creepy atmosphere, and challenging puzzles make it a must-play for fans of stealth horror games. If you’re looking for a game that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then Hello Neighbor is the game for you.

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