Highway Hunter (1994)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Highway Hunter: A Top-Down Shooter That Still Packs a Punch

Released in 1994, Highway Hunter is a DOS-based top-down shooter that quickly gained a cult following among DOS gamers. Developed by Omega Integral Systems and published by Safari Software, the game was praised for its fast-paced action, challenging levels, and varied enemies.


Highway Hunter is played from a top-down perspective, with the player’s car situated on a raised highway. The ground is visible on the sides, and the player’s car is constantly moving upwards through the level. The player can maneuver their car around the screen within the boundaries of the highway, and must shoot down enemies that come from the top of the screen.

There are a variety of enemies in Highway Hunter, including ground enemies, flying enemies, and bosses. Each type of enemy has its own unique攻击模式, and the player must learn how to defeat each type in order to progress through the game.

The game is divided into three episodes, each with a number of levels. The shareware version of the game only includes the first episode, while the full version includes all three episodes. The highway environments start out looking earthly, but the player moves into more alien levels later in the game.

Weapons and Power-Ups

The player’s car is equipped with a variety of weapons, including a machine gun, a shotgun, and a ракетная установка. The player can also collect power-ups that make their weapons stronger or more numerous.

Some of the power-ups in Highway Hunter include:

  • Spread Shot: Makes the player’s bullets spread out, making it easier to hit enemies.
  • Rapid Fire: Makes the player’s car shoot faster.
  • Homing Missiles: Makes the player’s missiles home in on enemies.
  • Extra Life: Gives the player an extra life.

Graphics and Sound

For a DOS game, Highway Hunter has impressive graphics and sound. The game’s levels are detailed and varied, and the enemies are well-animated. The game’s soundtrack is also very good, and helps to create a tense and exciting atmosphere.


Highway Hunter is a classic DOS game that still holds up today. With its fast-paced action, challenging levels, and varied enemies, it’s a game that will keep you entertained for hours. If you’re a fan of top-down shooters, then you owe it to yourself to check out Highway Hunter.

Tips for Playing Highway Hunter

Here are a few tips for playing Highway Hunter:

  • Use the environment to your advantage. The highway is constantly moving upwards, so you can use this to your advantage to avoid enemy fire. You can also use the sides of the highway to block enemy shots.
  • Learn the enemy attack patterns. Each type of enemy in Highway Hunter has its own unique attack pattern. Once you learn these patterns, you can more easily defeat them.
  • Use power-ups wisely. Power-ups can make a big difference in Highway Hunter. Be sure to collect them whenever you can, and use them to your advantage.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There are many different ways to play Highway Hunter. Experiment with different weapons and power-ups to find what works best for you.


Highway Hunter is a classic DOS game that still packs a punch. With its fast-paced action, challenging levels, and varied enemies, it’s a game that will keep you entertained for hours. If you’re a fan of top-down shooters, then you owe it to yourself to check out Highway Hunter.

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