Hockey (1972)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Hockey (1972): The Magnavox Odyssey’s Original Ice Hockey Game

Hockey was one of the 12 original games that were shipped with the Magnavox Odyssey system in 1972. It is a simple but fun game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

The goal of Hockey is to score more goals than your opponent by hitting the puck into their net. The game is played on a 2D rink with a center line and two goals. Each player controls a single player on the ice, and can move them left, right, up, and down. The puck can be passed between players, or shot towards the goal.

Hockey is a fast-paced and exciting game. The action is constant, and there is always the potential for a goal to be scored. The game can be played with two or four players, and is a great way to have some friendly competition.


The controls for Hockey are very simple. Each player uses a paddle controller to move their player around the rink. The left and right buttons move the player left and right, while the up and down buttons move the player up and down. The A button is used to pass the puck, and the B button is used to shoot the puck.

The puck can be passed between players, or shot towards the goal. To pass the puck, simply press the A button while facing another player. To shoot the puck, press the B button while facing the goal.

The goal of Hockey is to score more goals than your opponent. A goal is scored when the puck enters the opponent’s net. The game ends when one player reaches a predetermined score, or when the time limit expires.


Goals can be scored in a variety of ways. The most common way to score is to shoot the puck into the goal from close range. However, goals can also be scored from long range, or even from behind the net.

If the puck goes out of bounds, a face-off will occur. The face-off will take place in the center of the rink, and each player will have a chance to gain possession of the puck.


There are no power-ups in Hockey. However, there is a “turbo” mode that can be activated by pressing the Start button. Turbo mode makes your player move faster, but it also drains your energy.

Graphics and sound

The graphics in Hockey are very simple. The rink is represented by a black and white grid, and the players are represented by small squares. The puck is represented by a white dot.

The sound in Hockey is also very simple. There is a beep sound that plays when the puck is hit, and a goal sound that plays when a goal is scored.


Hockey was one of the most popular games on the Magnavox Odyssey system. It was also one of the first ice hockey video games ever released. Hockey has been cited as an influence on later ice hockey video games, such as Ice Hockey (1981) and NHL Hockey (1991).

Hockey is a classic video game that is still enjoyed by people today. It is a simple but fun game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you are a fan of ice hockey video games, then you should definitely check out Hockey (1972).

Tips for playing Hockey

Here are a few tips for playing Hockey:

  • Move your player around the rink quickly and keep an eye on the puck.
  • Pass the puck to your teammates to create scoring opportunities.
  • Shoot the puck towards the goal whenever you have a chance.
  • Be careful not to let the puck go out of bounds.
  • Use the turbo mode to your advantage, but don’t overuse it.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to master the controls and start scoring goals like a pro. So grab a friend and give Hockey (1972) a try today!

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