
by Christopher
5 minutes read


Imogen: A Challenging and Enjoyable Platform Game with Puzzles

Released in 1986 for the BBC Micro, Imogen is a platform game with puzzles that challenges players to use their wits and skills to progress through the game’s many levels. The game was written by Michael St Aubyn and published by Micro Power. It was reissued as the lead game of Superior Software / Acornsoft’s Play It Again Sam 5 compilation in 1988 when it was also converted for the Acorn Electron.

Imogen is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player controls the titular character, a young woman who must rescue her kidnapped father from the evil wizard Balthazar. To do this, she must travel through a variety of different worlds, each with its own unique challenges and puzzles.

One of the things that makes Imogen stand out from other platform games of its era is its focus on puzzles. In addition to the standard platforming challenges, such as jumping over gaps and avoiding enemies, Imogen also features a variety of puzzles that must be solved in order to progress. These puzzles range from simple environmental puzzles to more complex logic puzzles.

For example, in one level, Imogen must find a way to cross a river. She can’t swim, and there is no bridge in sight. However, she does notice that there are a number of logs floating in the river. She can use these logs to create a makeshift bridge, but she must do so carefully, as the logs are slippery and she could easily fall into the water.

In another level, Imogen must find a way to open a door that is blocked by a large boulder. She can’t move the boulder herself, but she does notice that there is a small hole in the wall next to the door. She can use a rock to block the hole, which will cause the water level in the room to rise and float the boulder out of the way.

The puzzles in Imogen are well-designed and challenging, but they are never unfair. The game provides just enough clues to help players figure out the solutions, but it never gives away the answers outright. This makes solving the puzzles a rewarding experience.

In addition to its challenging puzzles, Imogen also features a variety of enemies that Imogen must defeat in order to progress. These enemies include everything from simple goblins to giant spiders to fire-breathing dragons. Imogen can defeat these enemies by jumping on them, shooting them with her bow and arrow, or using her magic spells.

The combat in Imogen is simple but effective. Imogen can only attack in one direction at a time, so she must be careful to position herself carefully before attacking. She can also use her magic spells to attack enemies from a distance, but these spells are limited in number and must be used wisely.

Imogen is a challenging but fair game that offers a variety of different challenges for players to overcome. The game’s puzzles are well-designed and the combat is simple but effective. As a result, Imogen is a rewarding and enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels.

Tips for Playing Imogen

Here are a few tips for playing Imogen:

  • Take your time and explore each level carefully. The puzzles in Imogen are often hidden, so it’s important to take your time and look around for clues.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is often more than one way to solve a puzzle in Imogen. If you’re stuck, try experimenting with different approaches until you find one that works.
  • Use your magic spells wisely. Imogen’s magic spells are powerful, but they are also limited in number. Save your spells for when you really need them, such as when you’re facing a difficult boss.
  • Don’t give up! Imogen is a challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. If you get stuck on a puzzle, don’t give up. Take a break and come back to it later with a fresh perspective.


Imogen is a classic platform game with puzzles that still holds up today. The game’s challenging puzzles, enjoyable combat, and charming graphics make it a must-play for fans of the genre. If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding platform game to play, I highly recommend Imogen.

Review Score


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