Interstate ’82 (1999)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Interstate ’82: Vehicular Combat Mayhem in the Dystopian 1980s


Released in 1999, Interstate ’82 is a vehicular combat game set in a dystopian 1982 where auto-terrorism is running rampant. Players take control of Taurus, a skilled driver and mechanic, as he sets out to find his missing friend, Groove Champion, and stop a criminal organization known as the Damned.


Interstate ’82 features intense vehicular combat along with accurate car-handling physics, including realistic suspension and fishtail spins. Players can choose from a variety of vehicles, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. From muscle cars to sports cars to big rigs, there’s a vehicle to suit every playstyle.

One of the most innovative features of Interstate ’82 is the ability to get out of the car, car-jack another driver’s ride, and even run for cover if the need arises. This adds a new level of strategy and depth to the gameplay, allowing players to adapt to different situations on the fly.

The game features over 40 missions, each with its own unique objectives. Players must race against time, destroy enemy vehicles, protect allies, and even engage in on-foot combat. The missions are varied and challenging, providing hours of gameplay.


Interstate ’82’s story is set in a gritty and dystopian version of 1982. The United States is in crisis, and auto-terrorism is running rampant. The Damned, a criminal organization led by the ruthless Torque, is wreaking havoc on the nation’s highways.

Taurus, a skilled driver and mechanic, is drawn into the conflict when his friend, Groove Champion, goes missing. Determined to find his friend and stop the Damned, Taurus sets out on a dangerous journey across the country.

Along the way, Taurus meets a cast of colorful characters, including allies and enemies alike. He also learns more about the sinister plot behind the Damned’s reign of terror.

Graphics and Sound

For a game released in 1999, Interstate ’82’s graphics are impressive. The car models are detailed and the environments are well-rendered. The game also features a variety of visual effects, such as explosions, gunfire, and smoke.

The sound design is also top-notch. The sound of gunfire is realistic and the music is fitting for the game’s setting and tone. The voice acting is also well done, with each character having their own unique personality.


Interstate ’82 was a critical and commercial success upon its release. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, intense action, and well-written story. The game has since been ported to a variety of platforms, including the PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox.

Interstate ’82 has also had a lasting impact on the video game industry. It is considered to be one of the pioneers of the vehicular combat genre, and its innovative gameplay mechanics have been imitated by many other games.


Interstate ’82 is a classic vehicular combat game that still holds up today. Its intense action, innovative gameplay, and well-written story make it a must-play for fans of the genre. If you’re looking for a game that will get your adrenaline pumping, then Interstate ’82 is the game for you.

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