Iron Lord (1989)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Iron Lord (1989): A Classic Strategy Game

Iron Lord is a strategy game released in 1989 for the MSX computer. The game is set in a medieval kingdom that has been overthrown by a ruthless tyrant. The player takes control of a lone warrior who must fight to reclaim the throne.

The game is played from a top-down perspective. The player can move their warrior around the game world, interacting with objects and NPCs. The player can also recruit followers to their cause. Followers can be used to fight in battles, or to perform tasks such as gathering resources or building structures.

Iron Lord features a variety of gameplay elements, including strategy, action, and adventure. The player must use strategy to plan their moves and recruit followers. The player must also use action skills to fight in battles. And the player must use adventure skills to explore the game world and solve puzzles.

Iron Lord was a critical and commercial success. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, its challenging difficulty, and its immersive world. Iron Lord is still considered to be one of the best strategy games ever made.


Iron Lord is a turn-based strategy game. The player takes turns moving their warrior around the game world, interacting with objects and NPCs. The player can also recruit followers to their cause. Followers can be used to fight in battles, or to perform tasks such as gathering resources or building structures.

The game world is divided into a number of different areas, each with its own unique challenges. The player must explore these areas, defeat enemies, and complete quests in order to progress through the game.

Iron Lord features a variety of different gameplay elements, including strategy, action, and adventure. The player must use strategy to plan their moves and recruit followers. The player must also use action skills to fight in battles. And the player must use adventure skills to explore the game world and solve puzzles.


Iron Lord is set in a medieval kingdom that has been overthrown by a ruthless tyrant. The player takes control of a lone warrior who must fight to reclaim the throne.

The game world is a rich and detailed one, with a variety of different locations to explore. The player will visit castles, towns, forests, and dungeons. Each location has its own unique challenges and rewards.

The game’s story is full of intrigue and suspense. The player will meet a variety of different characters, both friend and foe. The player will also learn about the kingdom’s history and the events that led to its downfall.


The player takes control of a lone warrior who must fight to reclaim the throne. The warrior is a skilled fighter and a charismatic leader. He is also a master of strategy and tactics.

The player will also meet a variety of other characters throughout the game. These characters include allies, enemies, and neutral parties. The player will need to interact with these characters in order to progress through the game.

Graphics and Sound

Iron Lord’s graphics are simple but effective. The game’s world is rendered in a top-down perspective, and the characters are represented by small sprites. The game’s graphics are charming and evocative, and they do a good job of conveying the game’s setting and atmosphere.

The game’s sound is also good. The game’s music is catchy and memorable, and the sound effects are well-done. The game’s sound design helps to create a immersive and engaging experience.


Iron Lord is a classic strategy game that is still fun to play today. The game’s innovative gameplay, challenging difficulty, and immersive world make it a must-play for fans of the genre. If you’re looking for a great strategy game to play, then I highly recommend Iron Lord.

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