Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy (1988)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy (1988)


Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy is a classic overhead tank combat game released in 1988 by Namco. Players take control of the titular Iron Tank and must battle their way through waves of enemy forces to liberate hostages and destroy enemy headquarters. The game is known for its intense action, variety of weapons and power-ups, and challenging difficulty.


Iron Tank is played from an overhead perspective with a scrolling screen. The player controls the Iron Tank, which can move in eight directions and fire its main gun in any direction. The tank can also be equipped with a variety of secondary weapons, such as missiles, bombs, and lasers.

The game’s objective is to rescue hostages and destroy enemy headquarters. Hostages are scattered throughout the game world and must be rescued by driving the Iron Tank over them. Enemy headquarters are located at the end of each level and must be destroyed in order to progress.

Weapons and Power-Ups

Iron Tank features a variety of weapons and power-ups that can be collected throughout the game. These include:

  • Main gun: The Iron Tank’s main gun can fire a variety of different types of shells, including armor-piercing rounds, high-explosive rounds, and homing missiles.
  • Missiles: Missiles are a powerful secondary weapon that can be fired in any direction. They are effective against both ground and air targets.
  • Bombs: Bombs can be dropped from the Iron Tank to destroy ground targets. They are especially effective against large groups of enemies.
  • Lasers: Lasers are a powerful secondary weapon that can be fired in any direction. They are effective against both ground and air targets.
  • Power-ups: Power-ups can be collected to enhance the Iron Tank’s abilities. These include speed boosts, invincibility, and increased firepower.


Iron Tank features a variety of enemy forces, including:

  • Infantry: Infantry are the most common enemy type. They are armed with rifles and grenades.
  • Tanks: Tanks are more powerful than infantry and can fire a variety of different types of shells.
  • Helicopters: Helicopters can fly over the battlefield and attack the Iron Tank with missiles and bombs.
  • Bosses: Bosses are powerful enemies that appear at the end of each level. They require special strategies to defeat.


Iron Tank is a challenging game, even on the easiest difficulty setting. The enemy AI is aggressive and the levels are filled with obstacles and traps. However, the game is also fair and rewarding, and players who are willing to learn the game’s mechanics can make progress.


Iron Tank was a critical and commercial success upon its release. The game was praised for its intense action, variety of weapons and power-ups, and challenging difficulty. Iron Tank has been ported to a variety of platforms over the years, and it remains a popular game among retro gaming enthusiasts.


Iron Tank is considered to be one of the classic tank combat games of all time. The game’s influence can be seen in many later tank games, such as Super Tank and Battle City. Iron Tank is also a popular game among speedrunners, who compete to complete the game as quickly as possible.


Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy is a classic tank combat game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s intense action, variety of weapons and power-ups, and challenging difficulty make it a must-play for fans of the genre. Whether you’re a retro gaming enthusiast or a newcomer to tank combat games, Iron Tank is sure to provide you with hours of enjoyment.

Review Score


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